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Monday, July 16, 2012

Let's Chat About Moving.

Dear Readers,

Wow, I haven't blogged for...Months.  Lucky for you guys, I've written a bunch of stuff that I just haven't "published".  So here is something I wrote a couple months ago about moving....

I did some math...Which isn't my most favorite thing to do...and I've counted that I've moved 13 times in the last 12 years.

Something I'm not proud of.  However, still a fact of my life.

In my last blog I shared with that my boo's bro is my landlord...and I totally forgot to put one of my most favorite videos along with the blog.

So here it is:  "The Landlord"

I've had a bunch of landlords, I've also owned a home...

And in the span of 12 years, have moved 13 times.

You'd think I'd be a pro at it by now.  But I still very strongly dislike moving.

I've decided that it is totally worth the coin to hire movers.  Unless you have some friends that you want to not be your friends at the end of the day...Then go ahead and have them come help you.  I can guarantee you that at the end of the day these friends will be completely re-evaluating their relationship with you and may or may decide to never help you again.

Seriously, moving brings out the beast in people.  I've seen rational people just totally lose it in the process of moving.  If you ever want to know what someone is really made of...Help them move.

So, since the boo and I live in his bro's condo it's a little cramped and most of my stuff is in a storage unit.  But, I don't even miss most of it.  So, I probably could do without it.

I'm not a hoarder.  Let's just get that straight right now.  I just have a bunch of stuff.  Why??  Because I used to live in a gigantic house.  There were rooms that I didn't even go into.  Or know why they were there.

At any rate, that is not part of my life anymore.  But for those of you that have ever lived in a residence you may know what seems to happen...

You have all this space.  And space needs to be filled right??  So we fill space up with stuff.  Sometimes it doesn't even matter what the stuff is.  We're American, it's our right to fill our homes up with stuff that we might never use.  But we could use if we wanted.  That's our right.  We can have as much stuff as we want and never use it.  It's the American way.

At any rate, I have been slowly getting rid of all of this accumulated stuff that I once had for no apparent reason.

Turns out, I don't need all that stuff.  It's not who I am.

Also turns out, that I am to once again move.

The boo and I have decided to join forces and get married.  After some discussion, we thought it would be best to have our own residence as a married couple and not raise our family in his brother's condo.

So we are on the lookout for a new place.  And that means I'm going to move again.  It also means I need to get my storage unit sorted out and continue to rid myself of all of my prior baggage.  Should be a good time.

If anyone wants to not be my friend anymore you are welcome to help us move.

Miss Oakley


  1. lol! I love that Landlord video - totally classic imo :)

    I would be happy to help you because you're my best friend and I would never re-evaluate your friendship. No matter how much stuff you have.

    1. You say that now...

      Ok, I'd NEVER make you help me move. I value our friendship too much. Too risky.
