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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Ways to Fit In Fitness Into Our Lives

Dear Readers,

Today, I wanted to write a little something about fitness. This past week I have talked about the importance of having a plan in order to reach our goals.

Last year, I decided that fitness, and overall wellness, needed to become more of a priority in my life. And therefore, I put a plan in place in order to achieve my goal.

I can now say that my wish of being healthy/well has successfully gone from a wish, to goal, and is now a lifestyle in which I choose to live.

It has been a long road to get to the point where I workout and eat healthy every week. But now that it is a part of who I am, I wanted to share what I've done to get myself to this point. This past week, I celebrated my 33rd straight week in the gym. It did not just happen over night. This was many years in the making. I had to commit to a goal and put a plan in place in order to get to where I am today. I have tried many, MANY ways to help get myself to this point.

The one thing that I have found through years and years of personal research of getting healthy is that movement of any kind is better than no movement at all. The second thing that I have learned is that fitness needs to fit into my schedule. So, the first place I started looking for ways to incorporate activity was within the things that I was already doing: The tasks that come along with being an adult and living life.

My goal with this post is to point out some non-traditional ways that I have incorporated exercise/activity/movement into my day. Life sometimes got in the way of my activity, and I found myself with no time left in the day to workout. This lead me to make changes within my life so that I was incorporating activity in the things that I was already doing. So I wanted to share some ways I've incorporated fitness into my often hectic life. When I say fitness, I am not necessarily talking about the gym. Any type of movement is beneficial to our overall health, wellness, and level of happiness. The following suggestions are all things that I have done without a gym membership.

Ways I've Fit Fitness Into My Life:

Walking up the stairs instead of using the elevator. Or walking down stairs instead of using the elevator.  This is something I started doing this in college and have never looked back. In college, I lived on the 9th floor. And one day after waiting a long time for the elevator, I decided it would probably be faster just to walk up the stairs. And I was right. I now take the stairs every opportunity I have. If stairs are an option, I always take them. And 100% of the time, I feel glad that I did. Just the simple act of taking the stairs, increased my desire to look for more ways to incorporate fitness into my day. So living on the 9th floor in college, and one day taking the stairs years and years ago...set off something in me. My hope is that the next time you are given the opportunity to take the stairs (instead of the elevator/escalator) that you do so. I hope that you too are glad you did and start looking for additional ways to fit in fitness into your life.

Parking a little further from my destination is another way that I have fit activity into my life. Years ago, when I was Pharmaceutical Representative and traveled a lot for my job I started doing it as a way to get some exercise after driving for a while. Now, I do it everywhere. It also has a side benefit of other cars not being near yours and therefore, not being able to ding up your doors. (And I drive an Altima so I like to keep that thing looking fresh.) Now, every time I go into a store, I always park a ways back. Next time the weather is nice and you have the opportunity to park a little further than normal...I challenge you to do so.

Using a basket instead of a cart at the store is another way that I have fit some activity in my busy life. Obviously,  you'd do this for small loads. For larger purchases, please use the cart. My point is that baskets are something that are available at most stores and something that I had for years, overlooked. Once I started using baskets while shopping, it changed shopping forever. Shopping went from being a necessary an opportunity for fitness. Plus, baskets are fun. It's even more fun if you skip with said basket. But then you get some looks. Alright, scratch the skipping. Unless you want looks. If you're looking for looks: skip away. Using the small baskets are a way to incorporate some arm exercise while you are shopping. Just remember to switch arms half-way through. Next time you shop, consider a basket instead of cart. And curl away while you shop. Instant fitness.

Standing up doing one activity that you would normally do sitting down is another simple way to fit in fitness. I used to do my makeup sitting down. No more. I now stand up and burn calories. For bonus points, I've also stood up to read at home. Sometimes when no one is home I just walk around reading a book. This is SUPER effective at the gym with weights as well. I used to sit down and use machines a lot. Now, I do  most of my workout standing up and with free weights. Turns out, it works your core more AND you burn more calories in less time. Which, I'm a fan of. So stand up. Stand up once a day for an activity you normally do sitting down. You'll burn extra calories without any extra effort. It's a win win all around. Next time you find yourself sitting down...ask yourself: "Could I do this same thing while standing up?" If the answer is "Yes", then go for it.

If you aren't in the mood to go the gym, just do SOMETHING. Anything, it doesn't matter. As long as you are moving. It could be a short walk after dinner or a load of laundry that you were going to skip until the next day. Take your dogs on an extra walk you wouldn't normally go on. Take the kids to the park. Whatever, just move it. Movement of any kind is beneficial. So if you decide to skip a day at the gym, that's fine. Go for a walk instead. Hand wash your car. Clean out that closet that you've been meaning to do for months. Just be active and move your body. Activity of any kind is better for you than just sitting around on the couch. And if you are on the couch...there is no one stopping you from doing lunges to and from the bathroom/kitchen on commercial breaks. If TV is your activity of choice, fine. Fit in fitness on commercial breaks.

Cleaning your house is another way you can fit in fitness. Cleaning is something that you already have to do. So why not incorporate some additional exercise?? When I clean, I incorporate squats and lunges in. There's nothing like cleaning your toilet, doing 10 squats, and lunging into the kitchen to get cleaning supplies. I figure I'm getting dirty anyway, so I might as well get some exercise in. So next time you clean, do a couple squats in between tasks. Add in some jumping jacks. You're getting dirty and sweaty anyway, so you might as well go for it. Cleaning is probably the easiest way to burn some calories while fitting in fitness. So next time you go for your broom, do so lunges beforehand. You're getting dirty anyway so why not??

Gardening, shoveling, yard work, and tasks outdoors are other ways I've fit in fitness into my life. If you own a home, these are things that need to be done anyway. And if you don't own a home...I'm sure you know someone that does...and that someone may appreciate a lending hand. So next time it snows, go shovel your driveway. If you don't have a driveway, shovel the driveway of an elderly person in your life. A shovel costs $5, and for five dollars, you can get in a killer workout by shoveling. If you live somewhere that it doesn't can always do yard work. And again, if you don't have a yard, volunteer to help someone that does. I love working outside and again, my thought is that if you're getting dirty anyway, you might as well fit in some fitness while you're at it.

My point in this post is that fitness CAN be fit into your busy life. Often times, you just need to look for ways to increase the level of activity in the things that you are already doing. You already have to clean. So why not add in some lunges while you sweep your floor?? You already have to go to the store, so why not park a little further, take the stairs, and use a basket?? 

My hope is that you will start making some small changes and those changes will increase your desire to look for even more ways to fit in fitness into your busy life. It's ok if you are not doing any of the above mentioned things. However, I a just asking that you try. You don't have to go to a gym to start becoming active. Start with what you are already doing.

A body in motion tends to stay in motion.  Once you start moving your body, it helps you keep moving.  Changing the smallest of habits can lead to us on a path to making lifestyle changes. 

Next week I will be talking more about goals, health, and ways to become more positive in our lives. My goal is to help motivate and encourage others on their paths to becoming the best version of themselves.

Thanks for reading,
Miss Oakley

If you have a goal and would like to discuss how to get to where you want to be...Please just reach out to me.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Technology Can Help You Stick With Your Goals

Dear Readers,

This week I have been blogging about how to make and keep goals: Include your New Year's Resolutions. In spirit of what I have been talking about this week, I wanted to share some applications that can assist you with keeping track of those goals.

Let this be said: Technology is neat. I love it. It is something that is near and dear to my heart. And therefore, I would be remiss if I talked about goals and did not point out ways that technology can help you on your path to achieving your dreams.

Here is a list of applications that can be useful for the following:
  • Setting Goals:, Achievr, Habitforge
  • Journaling: Day One, Diaro
  • Organizing/Managing Time: Fantastical, Clear, Wunderlist, 30/30
  • Fitness: P90X, Yoga Studio, My Fitness Pal, Fitocracy, Run Keeper, Gym Pact
  • Healthy Eating: Lose It!, Fooducate
  • Quitting Smoking: My Last Cigarette, Quitnet, Quit Smoking
  • Budgeting: Mint, Back in Black
Just google any of the above listed applications. And let technology assist you with honoring your goals.

I myself have used: Fooducate, My Fitness Pal, and Mint. I even went so far as to blog about my new found love of of the app Gym Pact. To read about Gym Pact: Click Here.

They apps listed above are all are fantastic and FREE. Just google them to learn more.

**Sources:,, ABC News, Old Town Alexandria Patch, and the American Counseling Association e-news letter.

Other Related Posts:

If you have a goal and would like to discuss how to get to where you want to be...Please just reach out to me.

Cheers to a New Year and to Setting and Achieving our Goals,
Miss Oakley

**Comments are welcome & no judgement will be passed.
**As with everything I write, Feel Free to Share.
** Follow my twitter account @MissOakley
**Emails can be sent to:

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Make An Appointment: With Yourself

Dear Readers,

This week I have been talking about the importance of making goals and creating action plans.

One way I personally have held myself accountable is by setting an appointment: With myself.

I have several part time jobs and attend graduate school part time as well. In order to make sure that I have time to get my gym workouts in: I have started to schedule appointments with myself. I schedule these self-appointments as if I was meeting a client. Only, I am meeting myself. And honoring my goal.

This has helped me look at my week ahead and look for areas of (workout) opportunities. When I have some free time, I set an appointment. With me.

This is something that I have been doing for several months and it has been working. And therefore, I am sharing my strategy with you.

Ways you can schedule time for yourself:
Schedule an appointment with yourself in your planner.
Write your goal on your daily To Do list.
Put your goal on a post it note and place it somewhere where you will see it every day.
Or set an alarm on your phone for yourself.

Over the years, I have done all of the above strategies for various goals. The main thing is that you find your own personal method that works.

Blogging until the internet says I can't,
Miss Oakley

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Plans Help Turn Wishes Into Goals

Dear Readers,

Yesterday, I talked about goal setting, the importance of keeping yourself accountable, and how your plan must always be re-evaluated. To read yesterday's blog: Click here.

Today, I wanted to talk a little bit more on the importance of having a plan.

Plans are what turn our wishes into goals. And goals are what help us achieve our dreams.

In the world of therapy/counseling, practitioners refer to goal-setting as a "Treatment Plan."

A treatment plan starts with a main goal. It then outlines the steps necessary to achieve that goal. In addition, it defines the responsible parties for each task. Finally, it outlines dates that each task should completed. All great treatment plans are flexible, and change based on the needs of the client. That is, they are constantly evaluated to make sure that they are consistent with the client's needs.

It sounds simple, and that is because it is. I think sometimes we make things harder than they need to be. And the reason is that: Life is hard. And life being hard, makes everything else hard. Including our goals.

The likelihood of goals becoming realized, increases when a person commits to doing something each day to honor their main goal.

What are you doing each day to honor your goal? If you are not doing anything, start. Carve out five minutes a day to work on your goal. Work up to the point where you are honoring that goal at least 15 minutes a day. 15 minutes a day is just 1% of your entire day. Your goal is worth 1% of your time. If not, then it is not a goal of is just a wish.

Wishes are wonderful. They make us dream of things to come. However, wishes can only become goals when plans are attached to them and followed through with.

Make your wish become a reality. By creating a plan. Having a plan, IS the plan.

If you have a wish that you need help turning into a goal, please let me know. I'm here to help. My goal is to help while motivate others with this blog.

Cheers to a New Year and Turning our Wishes into Goals,
Miss Oakley

Other Related Posts:
Invest in You
My "To Done" List
My Life Is What I Give It The Power To Be

**Comments are welcome & no judgement will be passed.
**As with everything I write, Feel Free to Share.
** Follow my twitter account @MissOakley
**Emails can be sent to:

Monday, January 7, 2013

How to Make, Keep, and Achieve a Goal: Keeping Your New Year's Resolution

Dear Readers,

Goals are good. Evidence: Everything.

I heart goals.

We get to where we want to be in life by setting goals and sticking with them.

Today is Monday, and a week after the New Year. I thought it would be a great time to discuss the best ways to keep our New Year's Resolution's.

Although I am talking about a New Year's Resolution...this blog is really for anyone that has ever made a goal for themselves.

Having a goal is the first step to making a change in your life. However, often times we are vague with our goals and they lack a clear plan. Lacking a clear plan for our goals, cause them to be far off and not within our grasp. We have the best intentions when we create goals for ourselves. The thought process that goes into goal creation is a clear indication that we have realized that there needs to be a change in our life. Where we fall short most of the time, is putting together a small, achievable, and measure plan to achieve our goals.

A New Year's Resolution is the epitome of the goal creation process. It is also the best example that I can think of to share with you on how goals are thoughtfully created, however, not followed through with. The reason we do not follow through, is not because we do not wish to achieve something. It is because we lack a clear plan.

How many years have you come up with a well intentioned New Year's Resolution? Only for life to get in the way, and therefore, your goal to be put on the back burner?  It doesn't even have to be a New Year's Resolution...How many times have you said: "I'm going to start doing _____." Or, I'm going to change ______ about myself."

I don't know about you...But for me, this has happened often. So many times in fact, that a couple of years ago, I stopped making New Year's Resolutions all together.

This year, I decided to go back to making Resolutions. Mine being: to write more. So here I am, writing more. What you are reading, is my resolution. This blog makes me accountable. (Which will be discussed later.)

With this blog post, my goal is to set the story straight: Goals can work you for. The secret to goal setting is to create a plan that includes STEPS to reach those goals. In addition to steps, you need to make yourself ACCOUNTABLE. The final key to a successful goal is: EVALUATION of that goal.

It is that simple. And it works. I can tell you it works, because I've seen it work. And I'm doing it myself. And it's working.

STEPS Defined:
Steps help break down your goal. For example: If your New Year's Resolution is to workout more: What does that even mean? What does working out "more" mean? Your goal needs to be defined. You could set your workout goal to something like: every other day, X times a week, X times a month, etc.

If your New Year's Resolution was to be be a better: friend/sister/brother/aunt/co-worker/spouse/ect...What does that really mean? What does being "better" mean? You could break being "better" down. Maybe that means you call 2 people a week on the phone, just to talk. Or you set a monthly friend/spouse date. Or, you write a hand written letter to an aging grandparent each week.

If your New Year's Resolution was to get a better job/advance in your career...You need to state what that really means to you. If you want a better job, you are going to have to go after it. Getting a better job does not just happen. You need to network, get yourself out there. You could re-state your goal and say that you are going to network and reach out to 2 different people a week. Or apply at two different jobs a week. Or you could say that you are going to spend 15 minutes a day searching for jobs. Break that large goal of "A Better Career" into something that is more bite-size and achievable. 15 minutes a day is do-able. A goal of a life changing career...Not so doable on a daily basis.

What I'm really saying here is that you need to make your goals SMALLER. I know that sounds silly, but smaller and more achievable goals really do work better in the long run.

Saying you are going to workout "more", or be a "better" friend/spouse/etc , or have a more rewarding career is rather vague. And not really measurable. Putting numbers, or something that is more quantifiable is the easiest way to break down a large goal.

One way I break large, lofty goals down is to the daily-doable basis. What can I do once a day, to get to my goal? If you focus on doing just one thing a day that leads you towards your end does not seem that overwhelming.

A good way to set your priorities is to ask yourself: "Is what I'm doing on a daily basis moving me towards my goal?" If the answer is no, you need to re-evaluate your daily habits.

You may know the story of the comedian Jerry Seinfeld. When he was coming up in the comedy world, he set the goal of writing one joke a day. Each day that he wrote a joke, he put an "X" on the calendar. Instead of focusing on being "The World's Best Comedian", he focused on not breaking the chain of "X's" on his calendar. And it worked. He's one of the most successful comedians of all time.

My point being: do one thing each day that aligns with your overall goal for yourself. Focus on doing that one thing a day. Not on the huge, overwhelming ultimate goals. If you focus on the smaller, and more achievable goal...Before you know it, you will be well on your way to reaching your ultimate goal. Soon the small, daily-doable tasks, have turned into habits. And those habits have created change. And change is what is needed in order to achieve goals.

Making yourself accountable is also important. Accountability is what keeps us going after our goal, even when life becomes hard. Now, do you have to shout your goal from the rooftops?? No. But, you need to tell someone. Even if that someone is yourself. I know it sounds silly, but having a real and open conversation with yourself sometimes is what stands between you and successfully achieving your goal. I am speaking about this from self experience. I know for me, I am what stands in between either my success or my failure. No one else.

For other people, it works best if they tell another person. Or a group of people about their goal. Sometimes it is not the accountability that is what is important. Sometimes, it is the SUPPORT SYSTEM that is the result of the accountability that counts. Having other people that are in your corner generally helps. Knowing you have a support system that is there for you, will help keep you moving towards your goal.

Goals need to be re-examined from time to time. Often times, they may need to re-adjusted to fit with where your life is at now. It is good to re-examine your goal and to adjust your plans as necessary. Sometimes our life changes. And with that change, should come a re-adjustment of the steps in order to reach our goals. There are times that our lives change so much, that our entire goals need to changed in order to honor the change that is occurring in our lives.

Evaluations of our actions is often the best indicator of whether or not we are on track to meet our goal. Essentially, what we are doing on a daily basis is aligned with our larger goal. It is the things that we do each day, that get us to where we want to be.

It is important to note that with goals, sometimes comes change...and with Change, often comes resistance. Resistance can be in many forms. Often it happens in the form of self-sabotage. Self-sabotage is anything that you personally do that keeps you from achieving your goal. I will blog more about sabotage later. The important thing to note, is that resistance to change is natural. And when it happens, embrace that resistance. It means, that change is occurring.

My overall life-goal is to help others. I am doing this by going grad school to become a Counselor. On a smaller scale, I have set a goal for 2013: On a daily basis I have decided to write and share my writings with others. Blogging daily is breaking down a larger goal to smaller, achievable pieces. I take time out of every day to write. Even if it is just for 15 minutes. I turn that writing into a blog. I have shared my overall vision with my friends and family. Also, I've shared in on many social media platforms. By me sharing my goal with others (and being honest with myself), I have made myself accountable. Evaluation is something that I plan on doing from time to time. I know it will become harder to keep up writing daily. Life will get in the way. I will just take it day by day. Writing for 15 minutes a day, is not overwhelming. And when life gets overwhelming, I will just tell myself that I can always take 15 minutes to write. The small daily tasks of writing each day will turn into a habit. The habit formation is what is needed for real change to happen. Once change occurs, I will naturally blog once a day. This will make NOT blogging once a day seem un-natural eventually. Eventually, I will reach my goal of blogging and writing every day. The goal I have for 2013, aligns with my overall goal of: helping others.

Thank you for reading. Little do you know, that by you reading my blog, it is helping me with my overall goal. So, thank you. Thank you for keeping me accountable. Thank you for all the emails, tweets, comments, follows, shares, texts, messages, and phone calls regarding this blog. You keep me accountable. And accountability is all part of the goal-achievement process.

If you have a goal and would like to discuss breaking it down into smaller pieces...I'd love to assist you. Please just reach out to me. I love, no I LIVE, to help others. Reaching out to me would not be a burden. If fact, it probably would make my day.

Cheers to a New Year and to Setting and Achieving our Goals,
Miss Oakley

Other Related Posts:
Invest in You
My "To Done" List
My Life Is What I Give It The Power To Be

**Comments are welcome & no judgement will be passed.
**As with everything I write, Feel Free to Share.
** Follow my twitter account @MissOakley
**Emails can be sent to:

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Laughter: An Infographic

Dear Readers,

This weekend, make some time to laugh. Find something fun/funny to laugh at. I'm a firm believer in laughter being the best medicine. Evidence: This infographic.

Here's what laughter can do for your body:

Not only is laughter good for you: It's FUN.

So go ahead, laugh. Find something funny.When I feel a case of the sads coming on, I usually go to one of my old and trusted friends: YouTube. Just today, I found this gem:

So, I challenge you to laugh today. NO. I challenge you to laugh MULTIPLE times today. Go ahead, Laugh. Make your own day.

Also, I challenge you to read another one of my blogs today. If you don't find the blog post itself funny. Maybe you will find the fact that I intentionally write about these things, and post them on the internet...humorous.

Other Writings By Yours Truly:
The Amish Exist
Eggs are Delicious. Except After Their Expiration Date
I Haven't Bought Underpants Since 2005
Dogs, Babies, and Bears

Forever Posting, (Until the Internet Says I Can't)

Miss Oakley
**Comments are welcome & no judgement will be passed.
**As with everything I write, Feel Free to Share.
**Follow me on Twitter @MissOakley 
**PS, If you're a fan of the blog you could become a "Follower" and have posts emailed to you.  It's a pretty elite and exclusive group of consider yourself lucky.  It's like winning the lottery...Except minus the money part.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Fitness Friday: Gym Pact.

Dear Readers,

It's Friday! TGIF! The start of the weekend!

On Fridays, after work, I hold a self-sponsored Happy Hour at the gym. I call it:

Instead of drinking shots of booze, I take shots of amino acids. It's a good time and everyone that attends has a great time.

Workout Happy Hour is fun AND you don't wake up with a hangover the next day.  (Also, if you wanted to do a happy hour of fitness, there's no rule that says you can't do a regular happy hour afterwards.)

Lately, I've been trying to make fitness more of a priority in my life. It has been a lifestyle choice, and I fully embrace it. For the past 32 straight weeks, I have hit the gym/weights at least 4-6 times a week.

It's a new record for me. Never before in my life have I done any sort of physical activity for 32 weeks straight. I've always taken a break. Or found a reason to take one.

Throughout my life, I've always gone to the gym and have been in pretty good shape. I was even a former athlete. Not a GOOD athlete. But I was on teams. Lettered. Colleges called me and wanted me to join their athletic departments. Stuff like that. I'm not tooting my own horn. If I was, I'd say I was actually decent. But, I wasn't. Back in the day I "played" Basketball, and ran Cross Country and Track. But, I was never really good at any one of them. I just liked being part of a team and having something positive to do.

At any rate, in order to be strong enough to participate in sports: I've always lifted weights. But, I've also always lifted erratically. I'd lift for a couple of weeks, see some progress...and then stop. I'd take some time off and then realize I was getting out of shape, and then start back up again.

It was a vicious cycle.

And never in my life have I kept with it.

But oh, have the tides have turned.

My significant other said something to me about 8 months ago that changed the way that I thought about both myself and fitness overall.

He told me that he really admired how hard I work and study for school. But, that he couldn't understand why I didn't put the same amount of energy into my fitness regimen as I did with school or my career.

And of course I got mad at him for saying such a thing.


The fact of the matter was: He was right. Did this hurt my ego to admit? YES. Does this hurt to actually type this in a sentence for others to read and our mutual friends to also know that he was right? YES.

However, it's the truth.

He was right. I put so much energy into school and into my career. But I did not do the same in the gym.


And it was then that I knew more about myself. I knew that as far as fitness goes, I was not giving it all I had. I knew he was right. And knowing that, made me change my fitness goals. So sometime last April, I set a new goal for myself. I vowed to keep working out. And not stop when I saw results. I vowed to hit the gym no matter what, at least 4-6 times a week.

And you know what?? I kept after it. When life handed me lemons: I made lemonade. (Well, literally, I love lemonade and why wouldn't you if life was just HANDING them to you??) But figuratively, when I got busy and stressed...I headed to the gym and not the the bar or fridge like I previously was doing.

I made myself accountable. I started posting things on Facebook and Twitter. I started telling friends and family. I started to believe in myself. I took ownership over my level of fitness...just like I have with grad school and my career.

Eight months later, I am now reaping the rewards!

Rewards that have been reaped:
  • I feel better overall.
  • I have been able to get off of multiple medications. 
  • I sleep better.
  • My mood has improved.
  • My energy levels have increased.
  • I have actual visible muscles.
  • I have started to become more productive. And not just in the gym. In all areas of my life.
I've also realized that I'm stronger (literally and figuratively) than I've ever been. I've been an athlete my whole life...Yet, I've never been in better shape. This is both: The oldest I've ever been....and also...the most in shape I've ever been. I feel more alive than I did when I was in High school.

So you get it right?? You get that this has been good for me?? Do I need to go on??

One more thing:
Not only has this been good for me physically and mentally. It now will be good for me financially.

"How can fitness be good for me financially (you ask)??"

With Gym Pact.

At Book Club, some friends and I were discussing the gym. (I had shown up to Book Club all sweaty after a workout...and this prompted our non-book-club discussion.) A girlfriend had been talking about this "Gym Pact" and so I asked her what it was all about.

Well, what is Gym Pact? It's amazing, is what it is. It's basically a program that PAYS YOU TO WORK OUT.

I'm serious.

Gym Pact is an application that you can download on your iPhone or Android cell phone. It allows you to check in a gyms, workout, and literally get paid for doing the workouts that you are already doing. Also, it keeps you accountable. It allows to to say how often a week you want to work out. You basically make a pact with yourself to workout X times a week. Then you set the dollar amount for how much you are willing to pay if you miss your workout goal. So, if your goal is to workout three times a week. And you workout three times a week. You get paid. To workout. But if your goal is to workout three times a week, and you only work out twice a week. Then you have to pay for your missed workout. It's genius! I'm a cheapskate, and trust me, I will NEVER miss a workout now. So therefore, I will be getting paid for the workouts that I'm already doing!

So if you are:
  • Already working out and a fan of money.
  • Or someone who is not working out and want a way to stay accountable.
  • Or someone who has made a New Year's resolution to workout more...

Gym Pact is for you!

If you sign up on Gym Pact please use my referral code: barbeShann

Using this code will give us both $5 (after your first workout!) You can search for the application on your iPhone, Android, or sign up on the world wide web at: 

I've come a long way on my fitness journey. To read more of previous tales of my athletic inspired pursuits  please read the blog posts listed below. Two things will happen if you read any/all of these posts. One, you will not be disappointed. Two, you will feel better about yourself.

Previous Tales of my Athletic Pursuits:
That One Time I Registered for a Marathon
Excerpt from my MySpace Profile Circa 2005, in which I talk about my "Extreme Athleticism"
Weight Training, White Jeans, and a Couch: A Tale of Muscles
Thought About Going for a Jog. Ate Cold Cuts Instead.
Can I Perform a Citizens Arrest at the Gym?
Invest in You

Always Sharing,

Miss Oakley

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**As with everything I write, Feel Free to Share.
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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Do I Have the Flu? Another Weird Tale of 2013.

Dear Readers,

So far, 2013 has become: The Year of the Weird.

Three days into the new year...And I now think I have the flu.

Yesterday, I was trapped in my basement all morning. And now...this.

I was just telling my significant other this morning, how there was NO WAY I'm getting the flu that has been going around. Two hours later: Flu City.

Next time, I think I'm going to tell him how there's no way I'm winning the lottery.

But in all honesty, I can't tell if I'm actually sick.

Do I have all of the symptoms?? Yes.

However, I also have had a lot of counseling training. Which leads me to believe, this whole thing may just be inside my head.

I am now halfway through my counseling master's degree. And despite all odds, I've learned a thing or two about how the mind MY mind works.

And now I just can't get sick. Before starting school, I'd just get sick. I'd get the flu. Take a couple days off. And be over it. I could tell people I had the flu. They would understand. Life would go on.'s different.

Now, I think about everything 100 different ways.

Now I think: "Am I REALLY sick?" "Or, is this all in my head?" "What am I really trying to do?" "Why do I want to be sick?" "What bigger need does being sick fulfill??"


So, to make a short story long: I don't know if I'm sick. I have the symptoms. But, due to my chosen profession/thought process, I have no idea.

In summary, I've decided to just work today and just see how it goes. If I happen to barf on a client, then I will know: I'm actually sick.

The end.

As Always, Sharing my Inner Thoughts,
Miss Oakley

**Comments are welcome & no judgement will be passed.
**As with everything I write, Feel Free to Share.
**Follow me on Twitter @MissOakley 
**PS, If you're a fan of the blog you could become a "Follower" and have posts emailed to you.  It's a pretty elite and exclusive group of consider yourself lucky.  It's like winning the lottery...Except minus the money part.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 Has Gotten Off to a Weird Start

Dear Readers,

As with all things in my life...I had yet another weird experience.

I'm beginning to think it's me.

Here's what went down earlier today:

So we are into the new year by 2 days. It's January 2nd and I'm feeling super optimistic.

I haven't messed up all year. Everything is going great. It's going to be a great year.

I get up earlier today than I planned. (That never happens.) And I was chipper (also never happens.)

As I was getting ready to head out the door for my first appointment of the day: I remembered I needed to mail something.

I wasn't too sure where the outgoing mailbox was. We have recently moved into our new place...and so far, I have not needed to mail anything.

I figured the outgoing mailbox was next to the other mailboxes. Obviously.

So I go upstairs to mail my letter. But, because I'm a planner I bring a shoe.

The reason I bring a shoe is because I do not have a key to the door to the mailboxes. So in order to not get locked out...I need to always prop it open. (This is an issue with the property management company that we rented our place from. I'm not happy about it. But because I'm a team player, I just always bring a shoe or something to prop the door open.)

At any rate, there is no outgoing mailbox. I think, "Oh well, I tried. I will just mail it later today." I then go back down into the basement entrance to our townhouse.

Only, I forgot one thing.

I forgot that our door locks on its own. Usually, I have my purse/keys with me so it's not a problem.

Not this time.

This time all I had with me was: ONE shoe and a letter.

Panic struck.

It's 25 degrees out, and I'm locked out.

I think quickly and decide to try another entrance.

Again, I prop the door open with my shoe.

And because I have awesome luck: The other door was also locked.

I go back down into the basement.

I have nothing with me but a shoe and a letter.

No coat, no phone, no keys...Nothing.


My instinct kicks in. And I go into full-MacGuyver-mode.

I realize that I might be locked out for a while. When this occurred it was 8:30 in the morning. My life partner was not due to return home until 6:30 pm. That meant, most likely, I would be trapped in the basement for 10 hours.

And the basement is not heated. Outside it was 25 degrees.

I knew that I had to find something warm or I might be in a tricky situation in a couple of hours.

Instantly I decide that I need to keep my body temperature up. I decide that every hour I would either run in place or do some push ups.

I think: "Hey! At least I'll get a killer workout today!" (Seriously, these are my actual thoughts. I'm irrationally optimistic at times and this was no exception.)

But since I knew I couldn't do push ups for 10 straight hours, I decided I needed to find something to cuddle up with.

The only thing down in the basement of our building are storage units.

But only a small animal or child could possibly crawl underneath the door of the units.


I decided I could do it.

I knew that if I got caught halfway through, I'd really be stuck. Like, literally.

I get on my back. Think: doing the limbo, but all the way on the ground. I reverse commando crawl underneath the door to our storage unit.

As I'm crawling underneath, I realize that if I wasn't careful...a box could fall on top of me and knock me out.

And at 6:30 tonight, all my partner would find is me halfway under our storage unit. With a head injury.

Because I was halfway, I either had to go all the way...or quit and back out.


I started to think about all of those made for TV movies about people that were trapped in the wilderness...and the things that they did to stay alive.

I've always told my friends and family that yes, if it came down to it...I'd be the last person standing. I'd figure a way out.

I'm no I went for it and upside-down-limbo/commando-crawled it into the storage unit.

Once inside the storage unit, I again panic.

Our storage unit is packed. You couldn't add another box in there if you tried. I couldn't move.

I started looking inside boxes for something warm. I find: a Chicago Bears over-sized sweatshirt my brother gave me years ago, another random sweatshirt, and some towels.

While inside the storage unit I realize something else: I'm probably going to have to urinate sometime during the day. I should grab something just in case.

I started looking around for something I could craft into a makeshift port-a-potty.

I found a box and grabbed it. As I grabbed it I just shook my head and thought: "This is what my life has come to? I'm picking out boxes to pee into.into. HAPPY NEW YEAR!"

As I'm trying to make my way out of the storage closet, I realize I'm going to get super bored and needed something to pass the time.

I start digging around for something to read. And happened upon a box of journals that I've collected over the years.

I've always written. Obviously, not well. But still, I write.

I grab a stack of journals and throw them over the storage unit wall. And once again, I get on my back and limbo it out of there.

I propped myself up against my back door. More optimistic now that I had a sweatshirt, towels, a "toilet", and some literature.

And I do what I've always have done: I read.

I read my own journals. I started with a journal I started my senior year of high school.

Oh man, it was HIGHLY entertaining. I was a real piece of work.

Several hours pass. I laugh aloud. I am introspective. At times, I want to cry.

In the end, I decided I needed to write a "reflection" of what I just read.

"Reflections" are something that are done a lot in the world of counseling. It's a way for someone to process what they have just learned/read/or wrote.

Halfway through my reflection, I hear a sound.


Two guys make their way down the stairs.

They were the maintenance men there to cut the locks off of some of the storage unit.

They descended down the stairs as I was "reflecting" in mid-sentence. I had no time to prepare myself.

What they found was a half frozen weirdo in a gigantic Chicago Bears sweatshirt, covered in towels. With a pee box. And surrounded by stacks of journals.

I realize that I look like a homeless person and that my new goal was to try and convince these guys that I actually lived in the building and wasn't just camping out for the day.

I asked if they happened to have a key. They didn't.

But what they did have: street smarts.

One of the guys had a credit card. And was able to break into my place.

Before he let me in he said to me: "Are you SURE you live here??"

I must have looked like a convincing hobo.

I re-assured him that yes, I did in fact live there.

Once inside, I let out a sigh of relief.

All in all, the whole ordeal was over in three hours.

It took me another hour to de-thaw and to return all of the voicemails/texts/emails from concerned individuals.

It was a weird start to 2013.

But, as with all weird things that have happened in my life I learned a couple of things:

I learned that I really miss writing. And I need to do it more. If not for anyone, but myself.

I also learned that I have no shame. Evidence: me sharing the fact with you that I located a box to urinate in. I could have left this part out. But, no. I decided to share.

My life has been a series of one weird event after another. And because the common denominator in all weird related events is: ME...I'm just going to have to learn to embrace it.

As this was all going on today, I kept thinking to myself: "Wow, I can't believe this hasn't happened to me before?!"

I'm a fan of learning from mistakes. And never again will I leave my place without my keys and my phone.

Also, to be honest with you: I'm a little sad that I didn't get to pee in that box. That would have made a killer story.

As Always, Sharing my Life with You,

Miss Oakley

**Comments are welcome & no judgement will be passed.
**As with everything I write, Feel Free to Share.
**Follow me on Twitter @MissOakley 
**PS, If you're a fan of the blog you could become a "Follower" and have posts emailed to you.  It's a pretty elite and exclusive group of consider yourself lucky.  It's like winning the lottery...Except minus the money part.