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Monday, October 31, 2011

There Is Something I Need to Confess

Dear Readers,
Not my pic, don't sue.

First of all, Happy Halloween.  Secondly, there is something I need to confess.  I'm going to just come out and say it.  I'm a closeted Celeb magazine/column/blog/really bad reality show fanatic.  Yeah, I have a thing for all things celebrity.  I don't know why.  I always have.  Always will.  

I think part of it is that no matter what is going on my life...Somehow reading about some of the things these celebs get themselves into makes my little predicaments seem not as bad.

For instance:  Let's say I'm having a bad hair day.  Is is as bad of a hair day as when Britney Spears shaved her head??  Or the horrible weaves that she now wears??

See what I mean??

It has just been announced that Kim Kardashian is filing for divorce.  After a long 2 months of marriage.  **Gasp!!**  No one saw this coming!!

Nothing says "Happy Halloween" like filing for divorce right??

The truth of the situation is she banked around $20 mil to pretend she was married for about two months.

If you subtract the time that she was on her honeymoon, traveling, and the actual wedding...she was actually married for about a month.

I'm not the best at math but:
  • If you consider a "business week" to be 5 days.
  • That's 20 days in a month.
  • Do some quick math...
The chick made about $1 million a day to pretend to be in love/married.

Is she heartless OR is she an amazing business woman??  It could go both ways.  

Not my picture, please do not sue.
At any rate...The story is blowing up on Twitter.  A little FYI...Twitter is the main source of all of my information.  Why?  Because some days I only have the attention span of 140 characters.  I'm not alone in this either.  Societies shrinking span of attention.

At any rate, I felt this was something you needed to know.

What are your thoughts on this??  Is she heartless or a savvy business woman??  Are you too a fan of all things celeb??

I will be updating this breaking story throughout the day on twitter.  Follow me at:  @MissOakley

 Forever, Blogging About Things I Feel You Should Know,
      Miss Oakley

      **Comments are welcome & no judgement will be passed.
      **As with everything I write, Feel Free to Share.
      **Should you wish to read more of my nonsense throughout the day...
          Follow my twitter account @MissOakley

Friday, October 28, 2011

Stuff My Boo Says

Dear Readers,

I would like to share with you a glimpse into a day of my life.  Specifically, in regards to the amazing stuff my dear boo says to me.  I know there are those of you that may be thinking: "But I don't know her Boo...Why should I continue reading this mess??"  You don't need to know him.  Picture in your mind one of your favorite friends.  That friend that always says something unintentionally funny...If you don't have a friend like need to get one ASAP.   It will change your life.

I know you're probably either at work right now....or doing other important things.  You've worked hard all week.  You deserve it.  So go ahead...just read it.  C'mon...You've already started.  You may as well finish....

Ok, let's focus and get on with it:

My boo is, hands down, the funniest person I've ever met.  The reason he is so funny is that he's NOT TRYING.  At all.  In fact, he's actually totally serious about the stuff he says.

Because I'm a fan of laughter and general joviality...One day I decided to take it upon myself to start writing down some of the awesome things he says.

(He knows I do this and is totally ok with it.  He also knows that one of my little hobbies is taking pictures of him when he least suspects it.)
Here he is eating an ice-cream sandwich in the car

Oh yeah, he hasn't read this yet.  He told me he would rather read it at the same time as dear readers.

So here we go.

Stuff My Boo Says to Compliment Me:
His complements are both amazing and borderline offensive (all at the same time.)   If I didn't know him, I would probably be upset most of the time.  But since I do know his intentions...The stuff he says is...pretty entertaining.  On a random day he will give me compliments such as:
  • “Your hair looks a little frizzy.”  (I give him a dirty side-eyed look.)  “You’re pretty????”
  • “I love hanging out with you…”  (Aww…my heart says.)  Followed by, “It’s like hanging out with my little brother.”  
  • “My friend said you’re hot??”  (This was said a question…Not as a factual statement...He said it as if he, himself ,was questioning it..  You know how when someone asks you a question and at the end of their sentence their voice gets noticeably higher??  Yeah, imagine in your head how awesome that compliment sounded.)
  • “You make me happy..." (Aww...says my heart)…"You’re the same reason they’ve created lifelike robotic cats in Japan for use in nursing homes…to enjoy their remaining days.”  
     Let me explain that last compliment.  What he was trying to say, in his own way, was that he likes being with me.  So much so, that to back up the validity of his feelings he did actually read somewhere about these robotic cats in Japan.  This particular compliment was additionally effective because he knows I really like cats.  
    So on a daily basis, he gives me a couple of these amazing compliments.  Last night, as he's parking the car he says to me:  "Hey hun, you sorta look pretty tonight."  I should of been offended, but I wasn't.  He says stuff like this all the time.  It's his little way of letting me know he cares.  So I just replied back, "I know that wasn't actually what you literally meant.  Good try.  Now let me out of the car."

Stuff I've Overheard Him Say to Friends:
  • Last week he said to one of his friends, in regards to his affection towards me: "I used to look at other boobs in case my girlfriend died or was horrible disfigured.  Now I don't want to do that."
  • To his friend on the phone, in a display of commitment to our relationship he says:  "Hey, it's kinda been a big week for me...I changed my Facebook status and got a Prius."
  • To another friend, in regards to my awesomness he said:  "Isn't she great man??  It's so much fun hanging out with her.  It's like I'm hanging out with a dude.  But not a dude."
Stuff He's Told the General Public:
One thing he does to show his affection towards me is by randomly yelling out to ladies:

"NOT INTERESTED!!!!!!!"        And then he waves them off.

He started doing this when actual other women were present.  Since that's not always the case, he now just yells it out at what I feel are random intervals (followed by waving off the nonexistent flock of adoring ladies.)
He once yelled "NOT INTERESTED!!!!"  at a group of elderly people waiting outside for their bus.  

Other Stuff He's Said:
Him:  "What should I wear?"  (We were meeting friends for dinner.)
Me:   "I don't care."
Him:  "I'll just wear a cute top."
Me:   Stare at him blankly and then laugh.  I had to.  

Me:  "Did you eat yet?"
Him:  "Yeah...Had a bunch of fiber.  Going to blow it up in the bathroom."  
Me:   I shake my head.  I'm humored and grossed out at the same time.  

Stuff That My Boo Has Done:
One day, while we were at his parents house, he announced to me and his mother that he:  
"Was going to take a Bret Michaels."  Then, "Get it????...............Initials B   M  ????"  
He then goes into this whole- thing-that-he-does-when-he-knows-he's-said-something-funny...

95% of the time, he has no idea what he says is actually funny.  That leaves us with a remaining 5% of the time.  This is where it gets tricky.   5% of the time he realizes that what he just said...was in fact...funny.  And when this happens...

For more of a theatrical effect...He shrugs, laughs at himself, then says "RIGHT??!!"  
This is followed by more laughter and theatrics.  It is this rare 5% of the time that I REFUSE to laugh at him.  That would only encourage him.    

Bret Michaels
Another thing I feel you should know about him is that he really likes getting a good deal on things.  He shops at Costco to buy things in bulk and orders massive quantities of random stuff on  Lately he's been really big into baby wipes.  For about a week he updated me daily on the rate that they were going for on amazon "per sheet".  Because I wanted to know??  One day I'm at his place and he makes a formal announcement that he went ahead with the baby wipe purchase.  He said this as if he just purchased a home or something.  

After the announcement of the big purchase this is the summary of our conversation:  

Me:  "So you really went for it didn't you.  You finally went ahead with the baby wipes?"
       Him:  "Yeah, I saved $2 too!!!!"
       Me:  "How?"
       Him:  "Signed up for an Amazon Mom membership."
       Me:  "Whoa, whoa, whoa.....There's a MOM membership??"
       Him:  "Yeah."
       Me:  "So let me get this straight...You're now impersonating being a  MOM??  To save $2??"
       Him:  "Yeah, why not?  I could totally be a mom."
       Me"  "I have no words.  I literally don't know what to say to you right now."

A couple days later he gets a huge box of Huggies baby wipes delivered to him.  He then puts them on display in the middle of his bathroom.  I told him it was a little too obvious.  So he moved the gigantic box out from the middle of the bathroom...right next to the toilet.  Evidence...

Stuff My Boo Eats:

In order to do him justice...I'd actually have to start an entire new blog dedicated to his complete domination of food.  He competitively eats.  Like, he's a big deal.   Evidence...

****This video is not my work.  The video was created by  Brooke, a friend (who has an awesome blog.. at )  You should check it out, it' super funny.)****

Finally, Stuff We Said on Our First Date:
    This is how we ended our first date....
Him:  Turns to me and says (with utmost sincerity): "Well, this went a lot better than I had expected."
Me:  "I know!  I thought it was going to be horrible."
We:  Silence
Me:  "So how do we end it?"
Him:  "You want to high five and then transition to something awkward?"
       We:  **High five it out**
      I think that pretty much set the tone for our relationship...

     So let's reflect...What did you learn?
  •      My Boo says stuff that I feel is funny.
  •      I laugh, then blog and make you read about it.
  •      Everyone wins.

    Forever, Blogging About Things I Feel You Should Know,
      Miss Oakley

      **Comments are welcome & no judgement will be passed.  
      **As with everything I write, Feel Free to Share.
      **Should you wish to read more of my nonsense throughout the day...
          Follow my twitter account @MissOakley

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Halloween = No Pants

Dear Readers,

If you are female...Halloween equals no pants.  Hear me out on this one.  

I’m basing this on research that I conducted this afternoon.  The research study involved one participant (Myself)…so it’s pretty solid information.   

(**Insert sarcasm**)

For the past couple of days I’ve been researching Halloween costumes.  And by "research" I mean spending several hours online googling "cute costumes".  

I also googled "cute puppies" (which has nothing to do with Halloween or costumes...I just like to look at pictures of cute puppies).  Additionally, I spent no less than two hours jacking around on You Tube (also not related to Halloween or costumes)...But I did come across this...

You can You Tube "Like Mah Status"...for more information...

In my mind, my time was well spent.  

Ok, back to Halloween-Sans-Pants...

Here’s what I actually found from my research online:

If you are a female…No matter what costume you wear…it’s probably going to involve you not wearing any pants.  And it's going to be labeled as "sexy".  

Evidence:  Here here and here:

 Sexy Supergirl
 Sexy Cave Girl 
 Sexy Sassy Tonto

I Get It Costume Industry.  I GET IT.  If there’s one day a year that we can get away with not wearing any pants it’s Halloween…So why not go all out?  You can't pull that crap on Thanksgiving...So you better get it out of your system early.

Here’s a couple of things I dare the costume industry try to make “sexy”: 
  • An Elephant
  • My Grandma
  • A Parrot
  • Recycling
  • A Tire
  • A Scab
  • Anything from the 50's era
  • Alf (google it kids.  It was one of the greatest tv shows in the history of everdom).

 One year, I just want to go as a HUGE pumpkin.  I want to wear an outfit so big that other people can’t fit in the room with me.  It will be the exact opposite of attractive. 

I’ve also always wanted to go a sumo-wrestler.  I'd pretty much give anything for an excuse to wear a fat suit on purpose

>>>No Transition>>> (Just go with it...)

Growing up my mom kept a “Halloween Box” in the basement.  She should have just called it:
“A Box of Sadness”.  Although, I don’t think she would have been able to sell us on that.  So we called it the “Halloween Box”.

The "Halloween Box" contained:
  • The saddest clown costume you’ve ever seen.  It was more of just a bunch of patches sewn together.  
  • A white wig (I'll get to that in a second)
  • This terrifying wolf mask that my Dad wore every year.  (And somehow every year it would scare me)
  • This little witch on a broomstick.  It wasn’t even a costume.  It was more of a decoration.  This also scared me. 
  • Some plastic getup.  I want to say it was a skeleton costume?
  • And other various things that were equally as sad
Every year, we would wrestle to decide who had to go and get the "Halloween Box" from the basement.  Since there was three of us...the person who went and got it the year before automatically was eliminated from wrestle-mania.  So the other two fought it out.

Needless to say, Halloween was not a celebrated event in our household.  I think kids actually get excited for Halloween?  Yes??  For purposes of my explanation:
Let’s say they DO get excited for it.  

We did not.  

One year, I went as Barbie.  With the white wig from the “Halloween Box”.  I wish I had the pic from that year.  I think I'm crying in it (as I should be). 

Another year,  the three of us The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. 
(**Heros in a half shell.  Turtle power!**)

Or that's what we were supposed to be.  In actuality...We just wore green sweat suits and tied black socks with holes punched out for the eyes.

(It is important to note here that my mom made everything from home.  Everything.  She was on a budget and everything had a purpose.  She thought green sweatsuits were a good idea...Because we "could wear them all year long...")    

The year of the Teenage-Mutant-Ninja-Turtle-Debacle I remember having to explain to everyone who we were supposed to be.  

Our Explanation went a little something like this:
  • Three Kids in Tragic Costumes Ring the Doorbell...
  • A Stranger answers the door 
  • (Oh, we didn't trick or treat in our neighborhood)
  • We yell out to the Stranger,  "TRICK OR TREAT!!!!"
  • Stranger gives us a blank look combined with a confused smile/frown and then asks politely:      "What are you supposed to be?"
  • We explain our situation..."We're the budget version of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!!"
  • More blank staring
  • "Thank you"  we respond (which much chagrin)
  • We get back in the car and air our grievances 
  • Mom says: "What? I don't get it.  You guys look like turtles.  You can even wear your costumes when it's NOT Halloween."
  • We wear green sweatsuits for the next year
  • Fade to 20 years later...I come to terms with the event
****Correction:  Per my mom's request--She would like it to be publicly stated the the year of the Teenange Mutant Ninja Turtles and the year of Barbie was all the same year.  My brothers were ninjas...and according to my mother I was in fact "not a ninja."  I was busted Barbie.  She also would like to state that there are now actual Halloween costumes in the box.****

Oh Childhood!!

So to bring this all together:  I just googled "Sexy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle"...

Of course, this makes perfect sense.   For several reasons:
  • It makes sense that I'd google "Sexy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle".
  • It's also makes sense for the costume industry to make a "Sexy Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle"  costume.  Why??  Because those of us who grew up watching that show (Generation X'ers) have disposable incomes to spend at their discretion...And apparently will google it.
  • Finally, it makes sense to NOT WEAR ANY PANTS.  

So in honor of Halloween this year, I shall be pants-less.  Why??
  • I'm female.  
  • It's Halloween.  
  • And like I said, you can't pull a stunt like this on Thanksgiving.

Case Closed.  Halloween = No Pants

Forever Blogging about Important Things,
Miss Oakley

**Comments are encouraged.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Stuff I've Done Over the Years to Deter The Opposite Sex

Dear Readers,

Per usual, I would like to share some stories of my life.  These are all things you never knew you wanted to know about me in the first place.

Words that have been used to describe me have been:  “eccentric”, “independent”, and “free spirited”. 

So needless to say, over the years I’ve done some things to not attract the opposite sex
(or people in general).  Some of it was on purpose, some of it wasn't.  You can decide.

Here’s a List of a Couple of Things I’ve Done to Deter Potential Suitors:

1.  Recently, I've been giving out the number to Domino’s to dudes instead of my actual phone number.  Why??
a) I have a boo...and...
b) That way they will get something out of the whole deal.  In this case, that “something” would be delicious pizza.

I’ve also given out:  just straight up random numbers (123-4567, 555-5555), my girl friends numbers, and in one instance my grandmother’s home phone number.  This sort of behavior worked when guys actually just called you, instead of texting you.  So I pulled this stunt a lot in college.

2.  I once bought myself an engagement ring.  It was fake so cool out.  I blame TJ Maxx. 

Side note: that place is like one huge awesome garage sale isn't it?? 

Anyway, I was at TJ Maxx and found this ring on clearance because it was an odd size.  So for $17 I got what looked to be like a legit wedding ring.

What I found was that this did absolutely nothing to discourage men.  Apparently, being engaged/married does nothing to stop someone from approaching you.  In fact I think it actually increased the number of potential suitors.  So this tactic did not work.  But…

I did pull one over on my family one year at Thanksgiving.  I flashed the ring around and made an entire announcement. Naturally, my family was completely stunned.  After their initial shock I could see that a couple of them were relieved.  They finally were going to get me off their hands. 

Then, I yelled out: “SIKE!!!!” 

Yeah, I really showed them…Wait…

3.  Two words:  Cassandra Lockhart. 

This was my pseudo name since college.  Cassandra is now 26 (go with it please) and a teacher.  She lives in Des Moines...and has a lot of cats. 

I realize, making up an entirely different persona is completely passive aggressive behavior.  I’ve only done it on certain occasions when necessary...Mostly, in my early 20's.  My friends knew about Cassandra and sometimes they played along and made up their own names.  It was fun for all involved.  Except possibly, the guy that wanted to know my/their actual name(s).

4.  Wearing:  Sweatpants, Glasses, and or a Hat when going out in public.  Sometimes these three are worn in combination.

There just are days when I can’t be bothered to put an outfit together. These days sometimes happen to also fall on a day my friends want to go out and do something.  During these occasions, I warn them I’m coming “As Is”

 Last year I recall my girlfriends husband questioning my attire when I said I was “ready to go”.  I came out wearing a sweatsuit...
 We were on vacation, on a beach, and were going out (aka everyone was dressed up).  I made a compromise with him and put jeans on (but kept the sweatshirt). 

 In your face friends husband.

I  could go on and on about things that I've done.  But I think you get the point:  I'm awkward.

Let's Reflect:  What Have We Learned?
  • I like to entertain myself by giving out Domino's number instead of my own to guys.
  • TJ Maxx is like a large garage sale fill of possibilities.  You can even get fake wedding rights there.
  • Most of my days are spent "AS IS", my friends and family have learned to deal with it.
So, I Ask You?
Is there anything that you do to deter possible suitors and or people in general??  If so, what??  Do  you think TJ Maxx is comparable to a large yard sale??  

Forever, Blogging About Stories Of My Life You Never Knew You Wanted To Know In The First Place,
Miss Oakley

 **Comments are welcome & no judgement will be passed.
 **As with everything I write, Feel Free to Share.
 **Should you wish to read more of my completely profound thoughts throughout the day...
          Follow me on Twitter @MissOakley or on Tumblr 

**PS, If you're a fan of the blog you could become a "Follower" and have posts emailed to you.  It's a pretty elite and exclusive group of consider yourself lucky.  It's like winning the lottery...Except minus the money part.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Follow up to "The Professor": The Stuff I Left Out

Dear Loyal Readers,

I wanted to follow up on my last post and disclose some information I left out about The Professor.  Originally, data was left out for two reasons:  One being, just the time factor.  There were SO MANY horrible things that happened that I feared no one would read ten pages of my ramblings of the explicit details of our encounter.  The second being, that well…the date was seriously horrible and the less info the better.

Alright so here’s some stuff I left out….

I left out the 20 minute interval where he talked about nothing but “Shagging” and how "It was so European." 

He went into more details than I will ever care to share.  EVER.  

In summary, he basically said he really liked "to shag" and went into vivid details of his favorite escapades.  It was graphic, unnecessary, and straight up gross.  So naturally, I listened.

I did tell you about the part where my animal instincts kicked in and I jumped over some potted plants.  What I left out was that, seconds before I actually hurdled the planters...I screamed out (to no one in particular):  “HOW DO YOU GET OUT OF HERE??!!”

(I think I was screaming at humanity)

Not my finest moment. 

I was civil up until that moment.  I had to escape.  Even if that meant hurdling things like a wild animal.  As I was running (and after I yelled "I'll call you!!")  I do remember him saying "I'M SURE YOU WILL."  Sadly, he was totally serious.  He did not get that by me hurdling over objects and running away...that the date did not go well.

The next day, (after I got over the initial shock and therefore found the humor in the situation ), I thought about contacting Dos Rios to see if I could get a copy of their surveillance video.  As a “keepsake”.  I love a good souvenir!  I googled their website and drafted a “Thank you” email…I just couldn't bring myself to send it. 

Upon much reflection, I started to question a couple things...Specifically, in regards to eHarmony.  How was I “matched” up with this guy??  eHarmony makes you do like a THREE HOUR  survey about yourself.  I feel like they covered all the bases and STILL was matched with him??  I need some sort of explanation.

I swear eHarmony is the worst.  A couple months later they matched me with this Eye Doctor that wanted to be in band and had a bunch of cats.  Who also liked to booze it up on the job.  Nothing says “party” like seeing patients and writing out drunken prescriptions right??!  (This obviously I found out moments before I dissolved our relationship.)

Anyway, back to my point.  Do I even have a point??  Ok yeah, here’s my point:  I spent $40/month to get connected with these gems.  I think a refund is in order. 

Also, I feel compelled to explain a little bit about Traumatic Brain Injuries.  In my last job, I worked a lot with individuals with brain injuries and was witness to a variety of situations.  One thing that I learned with a head injury is that sometimes people have difficulties in social situations, with self regulation, and or executive functioning. Specifically, I've found with motor cycle accidents involving the frontal lobe...that there is a high correlation of sexual inappropriateness involved.  

It is probably a good time to note that I find people extremely fascinating.  Which is why I'm in grad school for Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling.  So...When he told me about his accident I knew right away that the brain injury in itself, explained most of his behavior.  Which is one reason I did not get up and leave right there. It did not however, explain all of his actions.  But, I've literally seen much worse...

Once I went to do an evaluation on a patient, walked into their room, and was greeted by nudity...and... some other things that I can’t legally say... 

Anyway, with that same job, I also got peed on a couple times.  

So there you have it, some of the details I originally left out.

A couple take-aways from this entire debacle:
1.     Dating is definitely weird and sometimes extremely awkward.  
2.     Re-counting a horrible dating story to your mother will always make you cry.
3.     Regardless, upon reflection, I will always choose to laugh about my experiences.  It's way better than crying, and others may find your story funny.  If anything, they'll feel better about their worst date ever.

**If you want to learn more about Traumatic Brain Injuries I encourage you to visit this site:

Yours Truly,
Miss Oakley

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Professor: Otherwise known as the Worst Date of My Life

The year was 2010, the month, October.  The exact date, I cannot recall.  I think it was a Wednesday.  It has taken me a year to come to terms with this.  And now that I have, I feel as if I need to share this experience.  Why do I need to share this??  I don't know.  Sometimes, I like to share borderline embarrassing and or humiliating stories about myself with large amounts of people.

Here is what led up to the worst date of my life:

I hadn’t been on a “first date” for six years.  I was 23 when I met my former domestic partner and therefore, had been out of the game for a while. 

My mom had been dropping major hints.  Apparently, she would one day like to see me get married.  I get a call one day from her and she says:  "Hey Shan, there is this free weekend thing that eHarmony is doing...I'm just sayin."  I laugh, and tell her, "No way."

A couple weeks later I sign up for eHarmony.

I call my mom the next day to tell her, "I hope you're happy." (insert angry tone of my voice).

So at any rate, this is where I meet "The Professor".  And subsequently experience, the worst date ever.

He seemed really interesting.  He had traveled to a lot of different countries, taught at several different colleges, was an Architect, and knew how to spell.  I don’t even want to admit this…but we exchanged emails for weeks.  Weeks.  I found him interesting.  

We decide to meet.  

Dos Rios, downtown Des Moines, was the designated meeting spot.  AKA, where it all went down.

Dos Rios

Here is what I expected to meet:  an attractive male in his mid-30's, that was 5'7, with an "athletic build" (per his profile and pictures).  

I did not meet the above stated guy.  Who I met was someone entirely different.

On my way into the restaurant I get a text from him saying that he was there.  I walk in and peak around.  I cannot find him.  

I text him back saying, “Where are you?”  
He texts, “I’m at the bar.”  
I say, “I’m at the bar and I don’t see you.”  
He says, “Ok, I’ll stand up so you can see me.”

I walk back into the bar and look around.  There is no one there that looks like The Professor from eHarmony.  There was however, one guy sitting with his back turned to me.  But surely, this couldn't be him.  The guy that had his back turned to me, didn't even remotely resemble The Professor.  

So, in order to determine whether or not this was in fact my date, I had to fully enter the restaurant.   And since his back was turned to me, I had to walk in front of his line of vision to see if it was him.  

I walked right in front of this guy and looked him in the eyes.  

The stranger looked back at me and then yelled out, “There you are!!” 


For about 10 seconds I didn't say a word.  I couldn’t.  Nothing would come out.  I was at a total loss for words.  I don’t know what exactly he said first.  Something about how he though about bringing me flowers…

My first words to him were,  “Wow, sorry, I totally didn't recognize you."
The Professor:  “Oh yeah, those pictures were seven years ago…before the accident.
Me:  “Accident?”
The Professor: “Yeah, I was in a motorcycle accident 7 years ago and the pictures were from before I was in a coma.”

Ok, we’ll revisit the whole accident thing later…

Visually, this is what I observed:  He was not in fact 5’7.  How do I know this??   When I walked up to him, he was standing (not sitting, like I thought he was) and came up to a my shoulders.  I’m 5’5 and was wearing flats.  So my guess is that he was 5’2 at most.  This was my first observation.

Second observation...his attire.  Ok, I'm not a fashion guru or anything, but I do follow the fashion rules of the decade I happen to be living in.

He had on what appeared to be a leather Member's Only color blocked jacket...Like something you would see in a Color Me Badd video.  
Imagine this jacket, only worse.

Under this jacket he was wearing a green silk shirt, and medium toned acid washed jeans.  I never got to his shoes.

What hit me next was the stench.  It smelled like he'd been hanging out in my grandma's basement...combined with the smell of:  old cigarettes, mold, and poor air circulation.

So as I'm standing there, taking it all in...

He hands me his resume.  (Jokingly, a couple days ago I said "Bring your resume.")  Well, he actually did bring it.  Not only did he bring it...

He had it laminated and made into a book...just for me.  It was 67 pages.

I sit down at the bar with him.

I had to.  I had his resume in my hands...and seriously, when someone hands you something like that, you have to look at it.  Additionally, I had already wasted an hour getting ready, doing my hair and makeup...and another half hour driving there.  In my mind, I was already an hour and a half into this mess and my entire night was shot.  

Alright, so I go through his resume.  I am stalling.  I'm trying to figure a way out of this thing.  As I am flipping through the pages and asking open ended questions (to stall for additional time) he tells me, "Sorry, if I smell like smoke...I've been smoking medical marijuana all day."  Ok.  So that explains the smell. 

He ordered a shot.  Asked me if I wanted one.  "No thank you", I replied.  He then whispered in my ear "I had a couple before I left my house earlier..."

Good to know.

From this point on, I don't remember all of the specifics...due to the fact that the entire time I was trying to craft my escape.  About 30 minutes into it I realized that this is probably going to get worse...and it did.  

So he continued to get black out drunk and told me about many things.  One of those things being his motorcycle accident and therefore subsequent Traumatic Brain Injury.  A couple points of interest with that whole story was:
1.     For quite some time he believed his name to be "Wolf Guitar"
2.     He once answered his front door naked...for the mayor of a city he was drafting city plans for.

He still rides a motorcycle.

Among the many many many more bizarre things he divulged...He told me that I was his 4th eHarmony date...And that the other three "Did not end well."  Weird.

At one point he got up to go to the bathroom.  Upon his exit, the bartender lunged at me, phone in hand.  Bartender said "What's your number??  I'll get you out of this!!"  Then the waiter jumped in and said, "Are you ok??  I just heard you call him a serial killer?!"  (I had called him a serial killer at one his face...He laughing...LIKE A SERIAL KILLER WORLD.)  

In addition, I would like to point out that everyone in the restaurant watched this debacle go down.  At first it was obvious glances...but it eventually turned into everyone's entertainment for the evening.  I told the bartender and waiter not to worry, and that I needed to get myself out of this mess.  

The Professor returned

 He proceeded to shout out random things. The bartender and him almost got into it.  I could go on and on about the shouting and what not...but believe me, it was bad.

I did not want to leave.  Why?? 

Because leaving would mean that I would have to walk out with him...which would increase the amount of public embarrassment...and he would most likely try to hug me or have some sort of bodily contact.

I decided I could no longer take it.  He wanted to continue the date and go somewhere else (Apparently in his mind it went well...)  I told him I didn't feel well.  (Which wasn't a lie, I was physically ill from the entire experience).  We walked out together.  Well I walked...he sort of hobbled.  

I don't know what happened, but when I hit the front door of the restaurant...

An animal instinct came over me and I just started to run.

I hurdled over the huge planters in front of the restaurant.  The only way I can explain it was kind of like a:   Bo-and-Luke-Duke-type-of-slide-across-the-General Lee thing. 
Planters I hurdled Bo-and-Luke-Duke style
Bo, Luke Duke, and the General Lee

As I ran down the street, I turned and yelled to him "I'll call you!!!!"

When I got to my car my mom called me.  Naturally, she wanted all the details on my date.  At this point I started crying and hit the highlights of my date.

She said, "Shan, he sounds like a stalker, you need to make sure he isn't following you home."
I tell her, "There's no way he could be following me." 
 "Why?" she asked
"Because he has a broken hip mom!" I replied.
"What??!!!" she said
"Long story mom...Look I need to go so I can process this." I said.

I hung up.  My mom, the sometimes eternal optimist called back 5 minutes later to say, "Honey, I know you're upset right now, but think of it this way...You'll never go on a date like that again.  This will be your worst date.  It can only go up from here."  

The Professor texts me when I got home:  "Did I have a hole in my shirt the entire time LOL?"

I did not reply.

The Professor emailed me the next day:  "I haven't heard from you.  Did things not go well?  LOL."

I did reply.  

What I replied back saying, is of no importance.  It was something along the lines of "It's You, Not Me."

The important thing is that you now have experienced your worst date ever...vicariously through me.

As with all experiences in my life, I try to look at the positives of this entire encounter.  The good thing is that I seriously doubt, that I can ever have a worse date.  In addition, you got to read about this mess.

If you happen to be hopes are that maybe this story will make your worst date seem not so bad.

If you're hope is that this story will solidify your sanctity in marriage and you will be relieved that you and your boo no longer have to date.

If you are married and are thinking of becoming hope is that this story will deter you from becoming unmarried.   

So yeah, you're welcome.