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Sunday, January 7, 2018

You Are Worth It

The universe gave me many signs that I needed to address the topic of "worth" as it relates to healing, health, life goals, and overall just being a human.

Probably the biggest point of resistance I get to someone on the fence about hiring a "coach" is either their belief or someone in their life believing that they are not really worth spending money or time on.

This is so true when it comes to those in the "helping" profession, natural helpers, and women in general. The people that put others first. These types put their health and goals last and ultimately pay the price. A lifetime of putting others first adds up. Eventually everyone in their life is used to them just giving and end up taking even more. Their cup is empty and they do not have a drop left to pour for themselves at the end of the day.

When it comes to healing and health a HUGE component of transformation is just the belief that you are worth it. This is a hard task when life has thrown you nothing but curve-balls. You start to believe this is all that is out there. When you are in the midst of a health crisis or just not feeling the best, it's tough enough just trying to get through the day. Much less leading a life that is vibrant and thriving.

In terms of life goals, most people just settle for the known and safe path. They want something better for themselves but are too busy trying to stay afloat. You can't build a boat if you are drowning. So they muster along and never pursue their passions. Never start up that business they always wanted or stay in a career that crushes their soul.

The game of being a human is sometimes really really hard. There isn't a class on how to live and no one ever teaches you how to do life when it gets hard. No one hands you a road map and says, here's the steps to get out of this really tough and hard spot.

But what if there was another way? What if there was a service out there that did give you a really individualized plan for how to make changes, showed you that you are worth it, gave you the tools to heal, and worked with you to radically transform your life?

I'm here to tell you that there is. This is what I do on the side as a business and for fun every day. It first starts with the belief that you are worth it. And if you can't get there on your own, we can team up and work together until you believe in you. For years I have been doing this for individuals, groups, couples, families, and organizations. Message me if you are on the fence and have the slightest hint of a thought that you are worth and want more from your health, career, or life.

-The Paleo Counselor-