The Dalai Lama once said:
"Once a year, go somewhere you've never been before."
We often go where we feel the most comfortable. Why? Because it's COMFORTABLE. Everyone likes comfort. That's probably why they make sweat pants out of cotton and not cactus.
However, if we stay where we are comfortable then we never become uncomfortable.
It is within our discomfort that we learn about ourselves, our response to the world, and reflect on that discomfort. In short, discomfort is where we learn.
This post is not to tell you to take some tropical vacation once a year. But rather, to get outside your zone of comfort and try something new.
Do something different.
Learn something new.
You can do this in many many ways. The possibilities are literally endless.
My challenge to you is to get outside of what you know. Do something different. Be bold.
In order to do something you haven't experienced, you need to go into it with an open mind. Also, it helps drop your ego at the door. It's okay not to know something. And it's okay to ask for help.
It's also okay to let things get weird and for it to be uncomfortable. That's when we learn and grow as humans. That's what sets us apart from every other mammal on earth.
Uncomfortable is just that: Uncomfortable. But it's bearable and it's short-lived. Embrace it. Allow yourself to not know what you are doing and be alright with trying/doing/going somewhere you have never been before.
Self Disclosure: I started to explore years ago. I did this by saying "Yes" to everything I was invited to. I have learned a lot by doing this and have made new friends while doing so. Now, doing new things and exploring is my absolute favorite hobby. Things that I enjoy today, are things that I tried on a whim years ago.
Get out there. Try something new. Travel to different places. Accept an invitation to an event you would not normally attend. Do something to surprise yourself.
**Note: If the thought of doing something out of the ordinary terrifies you...try it on a smaller scale. Take a new way home from work. Buy a different flavor of lip balm. I'm not asking you to backpack in the desert, just to try new things and see if you learn something about yourself/the world.
Be you. Be bold. Life is short, get out and explore.
(Even if your version of exploration means eating an orange instead of an apple.)
Miss Oakley
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