Your self talk and how you see yourself has a direct impact on how you feel about yourself.
You will often hear people trying to validate why they did not do something. This validation is negative and extremely counterproductive.

The "But" in that statement is where you fail yourself.
Not only are you:
1) Being too hard on yourself by
stating what you did not do.
2) You are setting yourself up for future failure by trying to immediately remedy the first statement by making empty promises in the following statement.
How many times have you said: "I didn't ______, but _____"??
Unless you signed a contract with yourself or others: most goals are and should be flexible. Given the fact that life is chaotic and changes.
It's okay that you did not do something. However it's the "BUT" that is taking you further from your goal.
Instead, you could say: "I didn't____AND, that's okay. Tomorrow is a new day."
You aren't bashing and making false plans with yourself. You're allowing yourself to be human (and not be
It's okay to not immediately remedy the situation. It's okay to not do something.
You are human and you are not expected to have a perfect day each and every single day. You also do not need to publicly state what you did not do to others. The world will not stop spinning if you didn't work out...or if you didn't answer all your emails at work...or you didn't finish all the laundry. It may be inconvenient that you did not do these things...but at the end of the day, the world will keep spinning.
When you say that you did not do something and then add a "BUT" onto it, it's damaging to how you see yourself. You are making yourself a failure, when you are not.
You are human. And you won't get everything done every single day. AND that's okay. Tomorrow is a new day.
Miss Oakley
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Being okay with yourself is the hardest part of being an adult! Warts and all!