Dear Readers,
As always I am bringing you some "News You Can Use". I would like to discuss relevant and current news items. This blog is about getting the truth out and stating the facts. As you know, this blog is highly informational. It's basically a cross between CNN and the Encyclopedia. Or not at all.
News Items We Will Discuss:

2) Kim Kardashian's fake clip on bangs.
3) The Sugar Bowl.
I live in Iowa. There is a caucus going on right now as I type this (I wrote this last night). Alright, I'm not going to get all political on this thing. That's not my goal. My whole point is that the general feeling here right now in Iowa is that everyone is undecided. Why?? Because it's a choice between "Worse or Worser". I'm probably going to get a bunch of fan un-mail for talking politics, but I'm not really getting political...I'm just stating some facts.
(**Fan un-mail is just like fan mail, except with a more threatening tone).
Ok, so I need to explain my "Worse or Worser" stance. Whenever there are two things going on that I am not a fan of I do a cost benefit analysis. I call my cost benefit analysis of both equally bad things: "Worse or Worser". I realize "worser" isn't a word. Yet, it makes sense. To me.
I need to be honest about something. This is the first time in the history of being legally able to vote that I haven't participated in the Iowa Caucus.
I realize that makes me either:
A) A Complete nerd or
B) Awesome.
Either, way it is what it is. I really got into the last caucus. I MEAN REALLY INTO IT. I wore t-shirts and everything. But this time, I feel like my caucus options aren't really options at all. I feel like the choice is between people with different faces, saying almost the same thing. For me it's a choice between "Worse and Worser."
However, because I live in Iowa all of the news coverage is around the caucus. It's kind of a big deal. That's all anyone is talking about. The coverage has been completely horrible and a total Snoozefest. However, I can't stop watching. It's like watching a train wreck. Worse than the ACTUAL Caucus itself...are the political ads. Don't even get me started on their ads...
I don't know what it is, but I'm just not into this caucus this time. Not to get political on you or anything, but I'm not a huge fan of any of the candidates. Additionally: SHOCKER: I'm super Liberal. I'm neither Republican or Democrat.
I think we need more than two parties. It's ridiculous. This is AMERICA. We have more options of sunless tanner than we do in political parties to run our country.
Here's a List of Stuff That We Have More Than Two Options Of:
- Car Washes: Regular, Deluxe, Super Deluxe, Professional Grade, etc.
- Nail Polish Colors: Pink, Purple, Red, Gold, Blue, Green, etc,
- Coffee Drinks: Lattes, Iced Coffee, Cappuccino, Frappuccino, etc,
- Subway Sandwiches: Meatball, Cold Cut Combo, BLT, Vegetarian, BMT, etc.
As Americans we are inundated with options. Except when it comes to political parties. You are either a Republican or a Democrat. You can claim to be part of a different party. However, if you've ever exercised your right to vote you know that in order to vote you have to be either one or the other. There is no "other" category.
True story: In the last election, I saw a guy have a COW because he couldn't claim to be an "Independent". This guy got in a verbal altercation with one of the elderly cotton top volunteers at the polling location. It wasn't a pretty sight. Here is this grown man, approximately 40 years of age, chewing out a member of the local retirement community. That volunteered to be there. Apparently, he didn't get the memo on how the actual voting process worked. He ranted and raved for a good 15 minutes. I got what he was saying though, but it's just not how the game is played here in the U.S. You can't be an "Independent" when you actually vote. You have to pick one side or the other. And there are no other sides.
It's 10pm as I write this so the caucus isn't over. The final count is projected to be at 1:37AM. I am projected to be sleeping at 1:37AM.
I have set the old blog be automatically posted at 12AM...So what I'm saying is that I won't have the actual results listed here. Sorry.
So far the winner (s) are/is: Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney. They're basically tied right now.
The loser: Me. I'm actually watching this.
You'll probably want to check with additional new sources to get the actual results of the Iowa Caucus. I need to get my sleep on and I'm not staying up for the results of this Snoozefest.
And without transition...
Transition: Kim Kardashian's Clip On Bangs:
I'm switching over to another subject that is also on my mind: Kim Kardashians fake clip on bangs. What I'm outraged here with is the fact that she's trying to pawn them off as the real thing. THEY AREN'T. Nothing she does is real. Not even her marriage. (For additional coverage of Kim Kardashian's marriage click here.)
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Clip in bangs |
They other day my boo and I were at Walmart. Why? Because we're classy. At any rate, we're getting ready to check out and we start looking at the celebrity magazines. Two magazines are sitting side by side: One shows Kim Kardashian in all of her photo-shopped glory. It doesn't even look like her. It looks like a cartoon character of her. The other magazine shows her without makeup. My boo was AGHAST. He couldn't believe it.
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Kim Kardashian With Makeup |
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Kim Kardashian Without Makeup |
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Kim Kardashian Side by Side Comparison |
At this point in time I decided it was best to rant to him about how celebrities are so photo-shopped in magazines that it gives young girls a unrealistic idea of both themselves and what women should look like. Little girls look up to these celebrities. Yet, nothing about their pictures are real.
Things About Celebrities That Generally Aren't Real:
Their hair. Everyone has extensions.
Their teeth. Most are veneers.
Their eyelashes. Fake.
Their body parts. Various body parts have been enhanced and or re-adjusted.
Their skin. Photo-shopped. Spray tanned.
Their body. Again, photo-shopped.
Their abs. Spray on six pack.
I don't know why I'm all riled up about Kim Kardashian's bangs...But I am. I'm outraged. All I want her to say is that they are fake. She tried tricking us last year with her blonde wig. I refused to be tricked in 2012 by you Kim Kardashian.
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Kim Kardashian's Blonde Wig Trickery |
As a trusted Sports analyst I would be doing you all a disservice if I didn't talk about the "Sugar Bowl". It's about 10PM as I write this and right now they're in the 3rd quarter and Michigan leads with 17, Virginia Tech has 9. I project that Michigan will win. Again, you may need to do some additional research on the game results as I am posting this before it's actually over. I'm just going to say that Michigan won.
Let's Reflect: What Have We Learned?
- The Iowa Caucus is a Snoozefest and has turned into a contest of "Worse or Worser."
- There are more options for Subway sandwiches than there are political parties.
- I refuse to be fooled into Kim Kardashian's trickery in 2012.
- Either Michigan or Virginia Tech won the Sugar Bowl.
What are your thoughts on the Caucus?? Do you think we should have more than two political parties?? Are you tired of being tricked by Kim Kardashian??
Forever, Blogging About Informative News You Can Use,
Miss Oakley
**Comments are Welcome & No Judgement Shall Ever be Passed.
**As with Everything I Write, Feel Free to Share. Sharing is Caring.
**Should you wish to read more profound thoughts throughout the day...
Follow my twitter account @MissOakley @MissOakley
Who cares about her bangs, those boobs are the Biggest FAKE EVER!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh mom, I love your comments.