Dear Readers,
There's something I wanted to share with you today. It is probably something you didn't think you wanted to learn about me today. But after reading you'll think: "Man, I'm really glad Miss Oakley told me about this today." Or you'll think: "Man, this Miss Oakley gal, needs to get a life. I can't believe I actually read her blog." I'm ok with either thought. Or any thoughts really.
If there's a couple things I love they are: Dogs and Babies. One day I plan on filling up my house with a bunch of both of them. Right now...I have neither. Additionally, and not related to dogs OR babies...I think bears are cute. Just in general. I thought you should know this as well.
Honestly, the reason I love YouTube/Facebook/Twitter/the internet in that I get to see photos/videos of my friends kids and pets. All day. Every day. And when I run out of photos of actual people I know...I can then search for cute stuff online.
The other day a friend posted some pictures of her baby boy that were so cute that I contemplated printing off every single one of the 62 pictures and wallpapering my wall with his cute little mug. When I saw his pics for the first time I almost barfed he was so cute. And since I'm awkward...I told my friend about the above stated plans of wallpapering my apartment with her child's face. She was ok with it. (We've been friends for a long time. And therefore, I was justified in asking her if I could do this. ) I swear, this kid could win a Gerber photo contest. That's how sure I am in his cuteness. One of the reasons he's so cute is that I grew up with his parents...and I can see both of them in his little face. It's like looking in the face of a rainbow and a teddy bear both at the same time. So friend and her husband...thank you for reproducing. I'd post a pic, but I prefer not to scar this child for life. Should he want to have his picture on a blog shall be his decision. For now, his face will just be plastered all over my apartment walls. Which totally wouldn't scar a child at all.
If anyone has ever had to un-pleasure of spending more than five minutes with me...they know that I LOVE DOGS/PUPPIES/ALL THINGS ANIMAL RELATED. I have a thing for dogs. All kinds of dogs. Big, doesn't matter. I've never seen a dog I didn't think I could love. I especially have a thing for puppies. Why?? Because they're adorable.
My girlfriend had a Holiday party a couple weekends ago and she and her husband have two huge Labs. I'm not going to one point in the party I snuck away to cuddle with them on the couch. At one point we were all holding paws and I started to cry. It was a beautiful moment.
I would really really really love to become an aunt one of these days. By my count, I have three brothers...and my hope is to one day love the stuffing out of their children. None of the three of them plan on having any kids anytime soon so I guess I will just have to wait.
I guess, I could start having kids or puppies myself (well not actually giving birth to a litter of puppies...but you know what I mean.) But I'm not ready. So I'm going to opt out of giving birth to children/puppies right now.
My point is that I have no dogs or children in my life...So I've turned to one of my dearest friends...YouTube to get my dog and cute kid videos for the day. I'm posting some of my favorites. Additionally, I did a lot of research for this post.'re welcome.
I will first start with is Boo. Boo is a Pomeranian. With an awesome hair cut. He's super cute and has a massive following. He also has his own Facebook page. I don't know who gave him a computer. Or how he has internet access. Let's just say it's magic. And seriously, I don't know how he types...Look how small his paws are. So yeah, Boo is a magical Pomeranian with a cute hair cut. He has a ton of videos on YouTube. Should you care spending a couple of hours online looking at his cuteness.
Here are a couple of Pugs doing a cute head tilt.
Mishka again. Saying "I Love You". I could watch this video 100 times. And I have.
Not sure why the parents let their child sleep in a dog bed. However, I don't judge. Also, it's cute.
I love this video. (Not Mishka...another Husky...I have a thing for sled dogs.)
This video below could be also be considered "annoying". I however, consider it "adorable."
Ok, not a dog or a child. It's actually a gigantic bear. Waving. If you don't think this is cute. You probably need to re-evaluate some aspects of your life.
And this concludes my blog on Dogs, Babies, and Bears.
Let's Reflect: What Have We Learned:
- I love dogs, babies, and apparently bears.
- YouTube is a great source of information.
- I need to get a life.
So, I Ask You:
Do you also love dogs, babies, and or bears?? Why or why not?? Are you in agreement, that YouTube is a great place to research important topics?? Is it your belief that I may or may need to get a life??
Forever, Informing You of Very Important Things,
Miss Oakley
**Comments are Welcomed & Encouraged. No Judgment Shall Ever Be Passed.
**Feel Free to Share. Sharing is Caring.
**Should you wish to read more of my profound thoughts throughout the day...
Follow my twitter account @MissOakley
Forever, Informing You of Very Important Things,
Miss Oakley
**Comments are Welcomed & Encouraged. No Judgment Shall Ever Be Passed.
**Feel Free to Share. Sharing is Caring.
**Should you wish to read more of my profound thoughts throughout the day...
Follow my twitter account @MissOakley
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