Dear Readers,
I have some late breaking news I felt I needed to share with you. Again, it's something that you never knew you wanted to know in the first place.
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Recently, I was reminded of this. A girl friend of mine updated her Facebook status the other day saying that she hadn't washed her hair in a while. And I was aghast. Not that she hadn't washed her hair. But that people still do that. And by "that" I mean wash their hair.
It's so time consuming! And my hair is long-ish so it's a whole process. Personally, I try to wash my hair as little as possible. I don't have time for it. Yes, I am waking up to Nothing-But-Saturdays/am unemployed...Yet, I don't have time to wash my hair??
I realize the ridiculousness of that last sentence. But, I'm going to keep it in the blog anyway.
**FYI...This blog is totally organic. It's natural. I say what comes to me. So if I write something borderline weird...I'm not going to edit myself. I thought it in the first place, so I'm going to keep it. It's also great when it comes to editing...Mainly, if I write something weird, it's just going to stay in the blog post. So this blog is basically granola. Natural. Organic.
Ok, back to my hygiene habits...
Let's get one things straight readers: I like to shower. I just don't like to wash my hair.
"How can you shower without washing your hair Miss Oakley?!"
Oh, I'm glad you asked...I will be be getting to that later.
QUESTION: Do people still take showers on Sundays?? Because I don't. Sundays are a day of rest. For my hair. And my shower. I go all-natural. (Just like my blog). I'm basically keeping it real. Really gross.
If you are still reading this mess of a blog...So far, in summary:
I like to shower .
Execept on Sundays.
I don't like to was my hair.
I kind of wish that I wasn't writing a blog about how I don't like to wash my hair...but it just felt right. I don't think this paints me in the best light. But it's the truth. And that's what this blog is about...getting the truth out there. This blog is a way to disseminate information. What you chose to do with this information, is up to you.
I've been really into the "dry shampoo" lately. Have any of you tried this stuff?? It's awesome and a big time saver. I have a couple of different kinds of it. I started out with "camp" dry shampoo. I seriously got it in the camping section at Walmart. Why was I in the camping section at Walmart??!! I have no idea. I don't really even camp. Camping is kind of gross. Do you know why?? Because sometimes they don't have shower facilities.
And you may be saying to yourself:
"Ok, Miss Oakley I am having a hard time following you. You don't like to camp because sometimes there aren't shower facilities?? But you don't even like washing your hair?! I'm having a hard time coming to terms with your rationale."
Stay with me folks...
Here's where shower caps come in:
Shower caps are amazing. And also probably the greatest invention known to mankind. I love shower caps. I have a whole bunch of them. They last forever.
I picked up these shower caps on the right at Walmart probably 2 years ago. They have been a life saver. (Not literally, obviously a shower cap can't save your life). But they've metaphorically saved my life. I can shower and don't have to wash my hair. This cuts my getting ready time down by a ton.
Also, they are very attractive to wear. If you want to impress your boo: PUT ON A SHOWER CAP and strut your stuff out of the bathroom. It's pretty much a guarantee that your boo will stop what he/she's doing to recognize your beauty. Shower caps are also romantic. There's nothing more beautiful to a man/woman than seeing your lover wear one of these things.
Here's my recipe for romance:
1. Put on a long fuzzy robe.
2. Wear a shower cap.
3. Put on some teddy bear slippers (any other animal...the point is they need to be large and obnoxious.)
**And you'll get bonus points if you but a facial mud mask on or zit cream.
So that's some pretty solid advice if you ask me. I mean come on, I'm thirty and not married. Of course you should be taking romance advice from me! Everything I write is legit and has been heavily me...on myself.
Let's Review: What Have We Learned:
- I like showers, but do not like washing my hair.
- Dry shampoo is Awesome. Get some.
- Sometimes I end up in the "camping" section at Walmart.
- Shower caps are hot.
So, I Ask You:
What is your stance on washing your hair?? Do you do it every day?? Or do you sometimes use dry shampoo and or a shower cap?? Have you ever found yourself in the "camping" section of Walmart?? Do you think I give solid romance advice??
**PS, If you're a fan of the blog you could become a "Follower" and have posts emailed to you. It's a pretty elite and exclusive group of consider yourself lucky. It's like winning the lottery...Except minus the money part.
Forever, Blogging About Things You Never Knew You Wanted To Know,
Miss Oakley
**Comments are welcome & no judgement will be passed.
**As with everything I write, Feel Free to Share.
**Should you wish to read more of my completely profound thoughts throughout the day...
Follow my twitter account @MissOakley
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ReplyDeleteI was really surprised when I saw Emily's post saying she hadn't washed her either, most blondes have oily hair! Em must be one of the lucky ones that doesn't (I'm jealous!).
ReplyDeleteKristi and I have very similar hair types, so she understands, but we blondes... we HAVE to wash our hair. If we don't, it starts to look wet (with oil. Gross) after about a day and a half. Ask Kristi. It's true. When I was a brunette I could do what you do, but... I'm not a brunette anymore. Clearly.
I wash my hair daily and I don't mind at all.
I have no idea what you blondes go I've always been a brunette...Or for a short period last year a red head.
ReplyDeleteSomehow my hair looks better on day two? I don't know, it just does.
Lots of people wash their hair every day. I used to be one of them. No one is every going to say anything about the girl that washes her hair every day :)
I am a big fan of dry shampoo. I wash my hair about every 3rd day with REAL shampoo though. Dry shampoo is good for those mornings that I just can't wash my hair whether through laziness or oversleeping, and it is a life saver. I have the Tresseme kind. Good for travel too. p.s. I blogged today - you should be so proud of me.