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Monday, December 19, 2011

HGTV, House Hunters, International Stuff, How the States Stack Up, and Half Birthdays

Dear Readers,
A lot is going on Internationally that I feel compelled to share.  Again, as always, this is stuff you never knew you wanted to know...with an International twist on it.

I've been watching a lot of HGTV lately...One of my favorite shows is: "House Hunters International."  I took it upon myself to dedicate my entire Saturday this past weekend to nothing but HGTV.  I watched so many "House Hunters" episodes that I felt like I went on a trip myself.  For those of you that don't watch "House Hunters" you are missing out.  That show is the bomb.

"House Hunters" Summary:
"House Hunters" is basically a show is about people that want to buy a home.  There are two versions of the show:  A U.S. version and the International version.  They are basically the same show, the difference being that one is in the U.S., the other outside the U.S.  The potential buyers hook up with a realtor in the area that they wish to buy in.  The realtor chooses three homes that best fit their budget and their wish list of things they would like in the home.  The show then showcases the three different homes.  At the end of the show, the potential buyer makes a decision:  House #1, House #2, or House #3...Before the decision is always a commercial break.  This is the point where I myself decide which home they should buy.  I review the high and low lights of the houses and by the end of the commericial, I have decided which home is the best choice...For THEM.  I am always aghast when I find out that they did not pick the same house that I picked for them.  I feel like I have a pretty good idea of what they need.  I mean, come on, I've known them for at least 22 minutes...that is time enough right??  Anyways, at the end of the show the producers come back and film the people in their new house.  This could be a couple weeks or a couple months later.  They usually come back when the house has been remodled/decorated somewhat.  I really like this part.  I am happiest when they not only pick the same house I picked for them...but also decorate their house the way I feel it should be decorated.

It's a great show.  HGTV is a great channel, I pretty much would recommend every single one of their shows.  (Another one of my favorites is "My First Place"...but that's a whole different blog post)...They used to have this show called "Small Space, Big Style" that I LOVED...but for some reason it hasn't been on in a while.  Anyway...I could go on and on about HGTV...However, I have other things to discuss with you...

Saturday was my HALF BIRTHDAY and I celebrated it the way I wanted to:  in my pj's, on my couch, watching my favorite show.  (P.S. If you don't celebrate your Half Birthday...I'm here to tell you that you should reconsider.)

"House Hunters International" got me thinking about the world.  After watching all of the shows on Saturday I felt like an International traveler.  By Sunday I was worn out and my passport needed a break...Nevermind, that I never left my couch...

As I was thinking of the world, naturally, I thought of my blog...When I started this blog I thought my primary audience would remain within the United States.  Mainly because my primary audience is:  my mom, a friend from high school, a couple of girl friends, a couple other friends that blog, my boo, at least one of my brothers, my grandma, and a couple people that accidently google the wrong thing.  

Color me SURPRISED when I found out that this blog is not only cherished by fellow U.S.citizens, but also those residing elsewhere in the world.

Here's a breakdown of countries, outside the United States that have read this mess:
The UK
The Netherlands
Saudi Arabia
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Ontario, Canada
Sydney and Melbourne, Australia
The Czech Republic
Milan, Italy
Paris, France
One of the Koreas
Trinidad & Tabago

Not to leave the U.S.A. out...Here's a breakdown of the states that read...and in order of most readers:
1.  Iowa (winning)
2.  Texas
3.  Illinois
4.  Minnesota
5.  California
6.  Colorado
7.  Nebraska
8.  Arizona
9.  New York
10. Washington
11. Missouri
12. South Carolina
13. North Carolina
14. Wisconsin
15. Florida
16. Arkansas
17. Vermont
18. Utah
19. Georgia
20. Pennsylvania
21. Virginia
22. Idaho
23. Tennessee
24. Kansas
25. Oklahoma
26. Indiana
27-50. Tie between:  All the rest of the states

I probably shouldn't share this info...But I also probably shouldn't share MOST of the info that I disclose in this blog.  So I thought why not??  No worries...If you should happen to read this thing, I don't know WHO you are.  As a "blogger" I only get reports on the city/state/country you are in.  I don't actually know who you are.  I actually wouldn't even consider myself a "blogger"...I'm more of a "rambler"...

And to continue my International ramblings...
A friend is in a photo contest on Facebook.  Click here to vote for her pic: "Oxford Circus, London".  You can vote every day until December 21st.  If she wins, you'll not only be a part of history...You'll also be sending her on a trip to Costa Rica.  (Same friend also has a blog.  You can read stories of her awesomeness over at Rambling Brooke.)

Let's Reflect:  What Have We Learned:

  • HGTV is the bomb.
  • Other countries outside of the U.S. google things, that result in accidently coming across this blog.
  • The state of Iowa is winning. 
  • Half Birthdays should be celebrated.  And celebrated in sweat pants.

So, I Ask You:
Do you love watching HGTV??  If so, what's your favorite show??  Do you celebrate your Half Birthday??  

Forever, Blogging About Things You Never Knew You Wanted To Know,
Miss Oakley

 **Comments are welcome & no judgement will be passed.
 **As with everything I write, Feel Free to Share.
 **Should you wish to read more of my completely profound thoughts throughout the day...
          Follow my twitter account @MissOakley

**PS, If you're a fan of the blog you could become a "Follower" and have posts emailed to you.  It's a pretty elite and exclusive group of consider yourself lucky.  It's like winning the lottery...Except minus the money part.


  1. Haha, omg I used to watch House Hunters all the time! I always imagined that some day that would be me....I'm beginning to think it's never going to be me though.

  2. Someday it will be you!!

  3. Thanks Shannon!

    When I was living in Lithuania, someone from House Hunters International emailed me asking if I wanted to be on the show. I declined, because I didn't want people to think I was actually going to live there (plus, I was leaving soon). SPOILER ALERT: She told me it didn't matter if I planned on living there or even needed a house. I just had to act like I was buying something...

  4. Ok, wow. I feel the same way I did the year I found out Santa wasn't real. :(

  5. It's official: It is my mom's belief that "HGTV is the bomb". Love you mom.
