Today, I wanted to write a little something about fitness. This past week I have talked about the importance of having a plan in order to reach our goals.
Last year, I decided that fitness, and overall wellness, needed to become more of a priority in my life. And therefore, I put a plan in place in order to achieve my goal.
I can now say that my wish of being healthy/well has successfully gone from a wish, to goal, and is now a lifestyle in which I choose to live.
It has been a long road to get to the point where I workout and eat healthy every week. But now that it is a part of who I am, I wanted to share what I've done to get myself to this point. This past week, I celebrated my 33rd straight week in the gym. It did not just happen over night. This was many years in the making. I had to commit to a goal and put a plan in place in order to get to where I am today. I have tried many, MANY ways to help get myself to this point.
The one thing that I have found through years and years of personal research of getting healthy is that movement of any kind is better than no movement at all. The second thing that I have learned is that fitness needs to fit into my schedule. So, the first place I started looking for ways to incorporate activity was within the things that I was already doing: The tasks that come along with being an adult and living life.
My goal with this post is to point out some non-traditional ways that I have incorporated exercise/activity/movement into my day. Life sometimes got in the way of my activity, and I found myself with no time left in the day to workout. This lead me to make changes within my life so that I was incorporating activity in the things that I was already doing. So I wanted to share some ways I've incorporated fitness into my often hectic life. When I say fitness, I am not necessarily talking about the gym. Any type of movement is beneficial to our overall health, wellness, and level of happiness. The following suggestions are all things that I have done without a gym membership.
Ways I've Fit Fitness Into My Life:
Walking up the stairs instead of using the elevator. Or walking down stairs instead of using the elevator. This is something I started doing this in college and have never looked back. In college, I lived on the 9th floor. And one day after waiting a long time for the elevator, I decided it would probably be faster just to walk up the stairs. And I was right. I now take the stairs every opportunity I have. If stairs are an option, I always take them. And 100% of the time, I feel glad that I did. Just the simple act of taking the stairs, increased my desire to look for more ways to incorporate fitness into my day. So living on the 9th floor in college, and one day taking the stairs years and years ago...set off something in me. My hope is that the next time you are given the opportunity to take the stairs (instead of the elevator/escalator) that you do so. I hope that you too are glad you did and start looking for additional ways to fit in fitness into your life.
Parking a little further from my destination is another way that I have fit activity into my life. Years ago, when I was Pharmaceutical Representative and traveled a lot for my job I started doing it as a way to get some exercise after driving for a while. Now, I do it everywhere. It also has a side benefit of other cars not being near yours and therefore, not being able to ding up your doors. (And I drive an Altima so I like to keep that thing looking fresh.) Now, every time I go into a store, I always park a ways back. Next time the weather is nice and you have the opportunity to park a little further than normal...I challenge you to do so.
Using a basket instead of a cart at the store is another way that I have fit some activity in my busy life. Obviously, you'd do this for small loads. For larger purchases, please use the cart. My point is that baskets are something that are available at most stores and something that I had for years, overlooked. Once I started using baskets while shopping, it changed shopping forever. Shopping went from being a necessary an opportunity for fitness. Plus, baskets are fun. It's even more fun if you skip with said basket. But then you get some looks. Alright, scratch the skipping. Unless you want looks. If you're looking for looks: skip away. Using the small baskets are a way to incorporate some arm exercise while you are shopping. Just remember to switch arms half-way through. Next time you shop, consider a basket instead of cart. And curl away while you shop. Instant fitness.
Standing up doing one activity that you would normally do sitting down is another simple way to fit in fitness. I used to do my makeup sitting down. No more. I now stand up and burn calories. For bonus points, I've also stood up to read at home. Sometimes when no one is home I just walk around reading a book. This is SUPER effective at the gym with weights as well. I used to sit down and use machines a lot. Now, I do most of my workout standing up and with free weights. Turns out, it works your core more AND you burn more calories in less time. Which, I'm a fan of. So stand up. Stand up once a day for an activity you normally do sitting down. You'll burn extra calories without any extra effort. It's a win win all around. Next time you find yourself sitting down...ask yourself: "Could I do this same thing while standing up?" If the answer is "Yes", then go for it.
If you aren't in the mood to go the gym, just do SOMETHING. Anything, it doesn't matter. As long as you are moving. It could be a short walk after dinner or a load of laundry that you were going to skip until the next day. Take your dogs on an extra walk you wouldn't normally go on. Take the kids to the park. Whatever, just move it. Movement of any kind is beneficial. So if you decide to skip a day at the gym, that's fine. Go for a walk instead. Hand wash your car. Clean out that closet that you've been meaning to do for months. Just be active and move your body. Activity of any kind is better for you than just sitting around on the couch. And if you are on the couch...there is no one stopping you from doing lunges to and from the bathroom/kitchen on commercial breaks. If TV is your activity of choice, fine. Fit in fitness on commercial breaks.
Cleaning your house is another way you can fit in fitness. Cleaning is something that you already have to do. So why not incorporate some additional exercise?? When I clean, I incorporate squats and lunges in. There's nothing like cleaning your toilet, doing 10 squats, and lunging into the kitchen to get cleaning supplies. I figure I'm getting dirty anyway, so I might as well get some exercise in. So next time you clean, do a couple squats in between tasks. Add in some jumping jacks. You're getting dirty and sweaty anyway, so you might as well go for it. Cleaning is probably the easiest way to burn some calories while fitting in fitness. So next time you go for your broom, do so lunges beforehand. You're getting dirty anyway so why not??
Gardening, shoveling, yard work, and tasks outdoors are other ways I've fit in fitness into my life. If you own a home, these are things that need to be done anyway. And if you don't own a home...I'm sure you know someone that does...and that someone may appreciate a lending hand. So next time it snows, go shovel your driveway. If you don't have a driveway, shovel the driveway of an elderly person in your life. A shovel costs $5, and for five dollars, you can get in a killer workout by shoveling. If you live somewhere that it doesn't can always do yard work. And again, if you don't have a yard, volunteer to help someone that does. I love working outside and again, my thought is that if you're getting dirty anyway, you might as well fit in some fitness while you're at it.
My point in this post is that fitness CAN be fit into your busy life. Often times, you just need to look for ways to increase the level of activity in the things that you are already doing. You already have to clean. So why not add in some lunges while you sweep your floor?? You already have to go to the store, so why not park a little further, take the stairs, and use a basket??
My hope is that you will start making some small changes and those changes will increase your desire to look for even more ways to fit in fitness into your busy life. It's ok if you are not doing any of the above mentioned things. However, I a just asking that you try. You don't have to go to a gym to start becoming active. Start with what you are already doing.
A body in motion tends to stay in motion. Once you start moving your body, it helps you keep moving. Changing the smallest of habits can lead to us on a path to making lifestyle changes.
Next week I will be talking more about goals, health, and ways to become more positive in our lives. My goal is to help motivate and encourage others on their paths to becoming the best version of themselves.
Thanks for reading,
Miss Oakley
If you have a goal and would like to discuss how to get to where you want to be...Please just reach out to me.
How to Make, Keep, and Achieve a Goal: Keeping Your New Year's Resolution
Technology Can Help You Stick With Your Goals
Technology Can Help You Stick With Your Goals
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**As with everything I write, Feel Free to Share.
** Follow my twitter account @MissOakley