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Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Year in Review

Dear Readers,

I had one of the best years of my life. However, it came after one of the worst years of my life. 

I appreciate all that I had to go through in order to become so blessed. I know that I had to have some have the ups. 

What I've learned is that: We are all one one circumstance away from either great fortunes or extreme misfortunes.

 Embrace the now and all that is going on in your life.

Nothing is forever good, nor bad. It just is. 

In the words of Forrest Gump: "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get." 

I'd go a step further and say...if you get a piece of chocolate that you don't like (like the weird one that tastes like chalk in the middle)...learn to like the taste of chalk. 

Most likely, the next piece won't be a nasty chalk-in-the-middle kind. It will be delicious. And worth the gross piece before. 

Embrace the bad, for it often leads to good. And embrace the good, because it's only temporary. 

Perspective is key. 

Cheers to a New Year!

Miss Oakley
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  1. Wise words, my friend! Happy New Year!! xoxo


    1. Happy New Year to you as well!
