I had a whole plan about how I was going to go for a run after work today.
The plan was:
I'd stop home for a quick second, eat a little something, put my running clothes on...Then go outside and get after it.
This did not happen.
I blame myself. Why? Because that's really the only person I can point fingers at. No one else is responsible for this. Just me.
The good thing is that I know exactly where I went wrong. And I'm going to tell you. Why? Because I can.
I haven't done the math on it yet (and probably never will) but...100% of the time that I don't pack my gym clothes AND take them with me in my car in the morning...I don't end up working out.
Somehow, by me packing my gym bag in the AM when I leave...it almost guarantees that I will be working out later.
And I don't know know why that is.
Ok, yes I do.
When I pack my gym bag and then bring it with me...I have to look at it all day. And all day I shame myself into getting my butt into the gym/working out/running/whathaveyou.
Additionally, I am not one to waste my time. Here me out on this one...
IF I take the time to actually pack all of my gym stuff...Put it in the car with me...AND then look at it all day...All day I'm constantly reminded of how I need to work out.
I did not do this today.
I thought I could cheat the system.
I thought wrong.
Right now not only am I NOT running/working out...I'm eating. Cold cuts. And because I have no shame, I'm telling you about how I'm not working out...while shoving deli meats into my mouth.
Hopefully, I've learned a valuable lesson.
Tomorrow I shall pack my gym bag...And tomorrow I will stare at said packed gym bag...This will hopefully lead into a shame spiral that will consequently result in a workout. For me, shame is the number one factor in a successful gym regimen. This shame also includes, but is not limited to...blogging about how I didn't work out.
And thus concludes my over-sharing for the day.
As Always, Sharing Tidbits of My Life You Never Knew You Wanted to Know in the First Place,
Miss Oakley
**Comments are welcome & no judgement will be passed.
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If I'm packing a bag I better be going on vacation!