I feel the need to share more important information with you. This contains more things that you never knew you wanted to know. As always, this is based on factual information and with much research.
The facts are my life and the research has be done by me...on myself.
I feel the need to explain "My Saturday Situation". Saturdays are awesome right?? You get to sleep in and do whatever you want.
(I am basing this scenerio on a perfect world. One is which you do not have to run errands and get a million things done.)
Imagine waking up to nothing but Saturdays. No work, just awesomeness. Sounds amazing right??
Well I've been waking up to just Saturdays for about 10 months now. Some may refer to my situation as "Being Unemployed". I however, like to refer to is as "Everyday is Saturday."
I was laid off in the beginning of the year. No one feel sorry for me. I don't feel sorry for myself, and neither should you. Normally, this would be considered a horrible situation. But for me it has been a turning point in my life and I look at it as a straight up blessing. At the time, it made zero to no sense. However, now, upon reflection, it makes complete sense. It changed my life. I was literally thrown a second chance. That almost never happens.
I had it all. The whole thing. I was living "The American Dream"**
**"The American Dream" Explained: For all of my International readers and those of you that may not have heard about This-Whole-American-Dream-Thing. Here's what it consists of:
- A House.
- A Partner who Resides in Above Stated House With You.
- Sometimes you are married to this person. Sometimes you are not. Sometimes due to ridiculous laws you are not allowed to marry this person.
- A Blossoming Career.
- A Couple of Dogs...(Plants or Kids ould also be inserted/substituted here)
- In my particular case I just had the Dogs...No Plants or Kids.
- Side-note: For all of you parents out there:
- I realize that Plants and Dogs are not the same thing as actual Children.
- Not having Plants or Kids was a conscious effort on my part.
- My personal feeling was that my inability to raise and keep one alive was indicitive of the inability to do the same with the second...
- Therefore, since one of those items kept withering up on me...I decided not to go with the second option.
- You decide which one of those items I accidently forgot to water for a couple of weeks and therefore shut down shop on the idea of the second.
- Oh, and since it's America...I had a bunch of TV's, an Excessive Amount of Electronics, and More Vehicles than there were Actual Household Residents.
- Additionally, I had a lot of things in bulk. Americans like to Buy In Bulk. Who needs 1,000 rolls of toilet paper?? We do. This is America.
But I didn't want to be JUST FINE.
I wanted more.
Yes, I realize I'm American I have a passport that says so. Also, I think my birth certificate states the same thing.
Yet, I don't share the same dream. My dream looks a little different. It took a while to come to terms with that. To allow my "American Dream" to be different.
So I walked away. From it all.
Here is the series of events that took place after I decided to flip the script:
- I moved out of my shared residence (my home.)
- I moved into an apartment (aka 600 Square Feet of Possibilities.)
- I parted ways with my domestic partner.
- I was laid off (this was not part of the plan...but it happened nonetheless)
- I dated for the first time since I was 22. (The Professor) It did not go well.
- I turned thirty.
- I decided to go to Grad school and completely change careers.
There's a couple of ways I could look at my "My Saturday Situation". I'm choosing to embrace it and make my Saturdays count.
Turns out..."My Saturday Situation" is also my personal "American Dream". It also turns out that me wanting More out of life, involved Less actual things.
Let's Reflect: What have we learned:
- Saturdays are Awesome
- "The American Dream" involves an excessive amount of electronics and buying in bulk.
- Plants are not the same thing as Children .
So I ask You:
Have you ever had a plant and forgot to water if for...Oh...let's say a month or so?? If you happen to be American: Do you or do you not love to buy in bulk?? What would you do if you woke up to nothing but Saturdays??
Forever, Blogging About Things You Never Knew You Wanted To Know,
Miss Oakley
**Comments are welcome & no judgement will be passed.
**As with everything I write, Feel Free to Share.
**Should you wish to read more of my completely profound thoughts throughout the day...
Follow my twitter account @MissOakley
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